Saturday, March 26, 2016

Homeward Bound . . . . . . .

One of my pair of Carolina wrens on the front porch.
These little chirpy birds are busy flitting around
 the garden, ready to nest I'm sure. . . . . . it's that
 time of year again.

Today we're flying too. . . . . leaving Branson - where
 we've had a really fun time - heading first to Dallas
 then onward to Raleigh this evening.
I'll catch up with you all soon!

Hope your Easter celebration will be beautiful and blessed.


  1. They are so sweet. Happy Trails, Mary.

  2. What a beautiful photo, Mary. I'm glad to hear you've had a good trip. Going home is almost always the best part, isn't it?
    Easter blessings and joy to you and Bob.

  3. those wrens of yours are utterly beautiful. What wonders of feathered delight to enjoy so often when peering out into your back garden. Lovely. I'm glad your travels were safe!


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