Yesterday, in warm sunshine, I spent some enjoyable time at my favorite
Raleigh garden center.
Located in a former small railway station on the outskirts of downtown
it never ceases to disappoint. In fact I was almost overwhelmed at all
that was displayed this early in the year, a veritable feast for both the
eyes and the senses!
Employees were scurrying around unloading plants and setting them out.
Handsome garden furniture was being unwrapped ready for seating displays,
and the little café was humming with late lunch customers, some dining outside
on a perfect day - as long as you remembered a sweater or jacket!
There were a few of these gentle reminder signs (above), especially around the
vegetables and hanging ferns. I'll buy mine later as it's not really spring yet . . .
. . . in fact we may get more freezing nights in the coming week.
Shelves were neatly stocked with interesting and useful garden items,
all so clean and shiny.
Garden centers aways attract birds of course and this Mockingbird was happily
singing one of the many songs in his repertoire. . . . . . .between berry nibbling
in a huge holly tree.
It was hard not to load up a wagon with beautiful plants, pots and such.
I will do that another day!
Purchased fertilizer for my shrubs and soil acidifier to keep my hydrangeas blue,
several packets of seeds, basil, parsley, morning glories, alyssum, and those
gorgeous sky-high sunflowers which hopefully will brighten up the garden come
summer, and then feed the birds and naughty squirrels!
Also bought a new 'welcome flag' to hang at the front entrance, it's pretty and
perfect, I'll share later after I take down the green shamrock flag hanging now
for St. Patrick's Day.
We then stopped at Home Depot and purchased a new patio umbrella to replace
the one destroyed by the heavy snow/ice storm just prior to last Christmas.
Bob is heading into the garden right now to do the first cut of the front lawn
with his recently serviced mower. He's actually smiling knowing it will be his
exercise for today! The grass is very thick and green and needs attention
before tomorrow's possible storms. The sun is out and temperature
should hit a high of 74F this afternoon, perfect!
Anyway, just sharing these colorful glimpses from my area - those of you still
shoveling snow need some reminders perhaps that spring is definitely
going to head your way soon. I hear the mower running, all is well in our
little patch on the planet.
Thanks for stopping by.