Monday, July 22, 2024

Too hot to bake.....and more about Bob!

I have mixed feelings about coming here so infrequently.  Guilt?  Definitely! 

I'm having feelings that blogging is just too much like hard work compared to Instagram. Speed and ease of posting a photo or photos, typing just about anywhere when you have a phone and a few spare minutes. One and done kind of communication. My IG account is Private so I don't have to deal with strangers and the unknown. That said, I feel sad not spending more time here on the blog but, in all honesty, I just haven't had that time this first half of the year for many, and varied, reasons.

Just as the late Queen Elizabeth stated in 1992 regarding her 'annus horribilis' year - I think 2024 is turning out to be mine.


Truthfully, it really is too hot to bake this summer. Independence Day holiday in Raleigh brought the highest temperature ever recorded here, 117F. Nobody in their right mind would turn the oven on in that heat. Thankfully there are bakeries - this beautiful loaf was baked at our favorite in downtown, Boulted Bread. Their pastries are also great, the plain croissant being top of my list, one of the best ever. We're now a little cooler and having long awaited rain. I am back baking and roasting, and we are enjoying frequent al fresco dining in the screened gazebo most evenings.

A couple of posts back in May I shared Bob's emergency hospitalization. During that upsetting time, following so many tests and scans, two tumors were visible on an MRI. Going forward with a visit to a urologist after leaving hospital, an exploratory surgical procedure was ordered and Bob went under general anesthesia in hospital. Sadly the diagnosis is cancer. Last week, while awaiting major surgery, he was given one dose of chemo and has managed well, no pain, no side effects. The blood infection, in case you're wondering, had nothing to do with the cancer, however helped in discovering it in time to prevent spread hopefully!

Bob's surgery will be a robotic-assisted Nephroureterectomy which includes losing a kidney (but thankfully he has a healthy looking one remaining). Other bits will also be taken but hopefully he will not require chemo/radiation afterward if there is no metastases. Fingers are tightly crossed, prayers are being said by family and wonderful friends - many thanks to you all.

I'm sad and sorry that I haven't been able to visit/comment on blogs for far too long. I will return here soon, probably once we get the surgery date. As the cancer is a rare and aggressive type we expect to get the go ahead as soon as he can be worked into the surgeon/hospital schedules. 

Please keep Bob in your thoughts - some of you have met him and know what a great man he is, the rest of you please take my word for it.............he is very special, has beaten cancer before, and is sure he can do it again.


  1. Mary, thank you for the little catch-up here, and know that prayers are going up for your wonderful Bob and for you as well. As for blogging, I finally resigned myself to just keeping my book lists out there; you are right, it is a lot of work to think of things to say, and I'm really not sure I want my thoughts and photos so available to everyone in the world these days anyway. Instagram seems a little more controllable . . . and a lot quicker and easier. I hope your heat wave breaks soon.

    1. Sara, glad you are in agreement re: blogging. I'm enjoyng your IG photos and words - it really is much easier and convenient at this point in time. Your prayers are greatly appreciated dear friend - Bob doesn't deserve this, another cancer to battle, but then who does. It's such a cruel illness and so many people seem to still be dealing with it despite so much ongoing research.

  2. Dearest Mary,
    That is quite some worry that you both have gone through and still are facing.
    We can be grateful that we live in a time where technology allows high tech intervention such as this upcoming robotic-assisted Nephroureterectomy for Bob.
    Hoping he soon gets his procedure done and than, like you stated, he can beat cancer again.
    With positivity and lots of prayers this will work.

    1. Thank you so much for the good wishes and prayers dear Mariette. The waiting is difficult - thoughts of what's happening each day after they tell you it's an aggressive cancer really is hard to deal with. Today we've been told surgery will be mid-August! That's a month away!

    2. Three weeks will pass very quickly and hindsight you both will be glad you had that time! Trusting those doctors in charge know what they are doing. Big hugs to the both of you ๐Ÿ’ž

  3. Oh Mary, I so wish I was near enough to give you a hug. Having met Bob I know what a strong man he is, and with you as his backup I'm sure things will be positive. You are both on my prayer list. Thankfully you are in a country that moves faster than in UK.

    1. Dear friend I feel your hug from across the pond, thank you. We had such fun together that one day in time - Bob often mentions it and sends you love.

  4. Dear Mary,
    Bob is indeed very special, and I am privileged that we got to meet him at dinner that one night in Victoria. He is friendly to all, with a great sense of humour. I will continue to pray as he goes through surgery and treatment. Thank you for keeping us up to date. Life can throw real curve balls at times. The heat you are experiencing just makes everything worse. Please take care of yourself, as well.
    Holding you in our thoughts and prayers, with love,
    Lorrie and Tim

    1. Thank you so much dear Lorrie. That was a great evening we all shared in your beautiful city - perhaps another one some day will be possible. We'd love that xx

  5. As soon as he can be worked into the hospital schedules? Why isn't it done right away?
    I hope it goes well.

    1. Hels, this is a large city in a huge growing area with a population explosion - a hot spot people wish to move to and are doing so by the thousands monthly!
      Hospitals and medical practices, despite many and great ones, are over-taxed with people requiring surgery - there are often waiting times. Then there are glitches such as last week's world-wide tech upheaval when all robotic surgery here was unavailable for a day putting everyone's schedule behind! Even robots need computers!!!!!!
      Thanks for wishing Bob well, it means a lot to us.

  6. My heart and prayers go out to you and Bob. My husband is fighting his third bout of cancer, and each one has been a different type (Viet Nam vet with Agent Orange exposure). We, too, are hoping to avoid chemo; the determinative appointment is next week. Hugs and a toast to you both!

    1. Cathy, so very sorry to learn of your dear husband's ongoing cancer situation - it's very worrisome I'm sure and I hope he gets good news. We will keep him close in thoughts and prayers.
      Thank for writing - take care of you too dear - that's important!

  7. I hope all goes well for Bob. I've had rather too many trips to Oncology recently so I know how stressful it can all be.

    1. Oh no John - I certainly hope you are OK and send best wishes. Bob and I have each 'done cancer' before and we are many years out..........a new battle now and it's rough going. Mustn't give up though, places to go, things to see are waiting in the wings. Keep in touch, I care x

  8. Oh, Mary! I am so sorry that life has been so tough for you guys. This is a lot to get through, and together, you will get through it. You're in the best place for good care, honestly. So close to Duke and other fine institutions for cancer care. Robotic surgery, such an amazing technological advance! Sending you and Bob good thoughts for perfect healing.

    1. Thanks Karla. Duke is excellent - we're with UNC and feel confident with our choice of surgeon etc. We are fortunate in the Triangle area to have so many excellent hospitals and universities..........and hopefully the best robots, haha!

  9. Hope the surgery is soon and his recovery is speedy. Wishing you both the best during your stressful times.

    1. You are kind to care Ellen, thank you so much.

  10. So, so sorry to hear of Bob's diagnosis but I feel that you both have such positive mental attitude you will fight with all of your strength. I do think of both of you often ...... you are such a kind couple and I am sure that you have great support around you. I will send healing/positive vibes from across the pond and hope it helps in some small way. Hugs and kisses to you both XXXX

  11. Oh my, please send our best wishes to Bob. We are thinking of you, both. With much love. Sal ๐Ÿ˜˜

  12. I can only imagine how worried you are about Bob. I am so sorry to hear of his diagnosis. I have not met him (or you) in person, but I just "know" from reading your blog all these years and personally corresponding with you, that both of you are indeed lovely and wonderful people. Even my husband knows who you are! I'll read you blog and say something like, "Look what Mary made" or, "Mary and Bob are going to England". I just told him about Bob and he looked sad and said, "Oh, no". These blogging friendships are strong ones! I will keep both of you in my prayers (you need them, too!) and send healing energy Bob's way, too. Thank you for keeping us posted, even if it's periodic. Please don't worry about the frequency of your blogging. That should be the last thing on your mind right now. {{hugs}}

  13. Dear Mary, I am so sorry to read this. As you have said in reply to one of the comments here, Bob doesn‘t deserve this, but then who doesn‘t.
    Several people in my wider personal sphere (elderly relatives, friends of my Mum‘s, and others) are having health problems, some suffering with cancer or had a stroke, or age-related conditions. It is so worrying and sad, but there is so little I can do except for praying (and that is NOT little).
    Love and hugs to you both all the way from Yorkshire,
    Meike x

  14. Sending all my love and many hugs. Praying as well.

  15. Yes he will Mary b/c you're by his side, your family and friends are by his side, and your readers. The power of prayer.

  16. I will be praying for Bob. Yes, I find Instagram so much easier than blogging. It is hard to keep the blogging up, but I keep trying. Take care, dear friends! Your bread looks amazing and a good croissant is oh so good.

  17. Ok, why do I do it. That was just me, Marilyn M.

  18. I've just read your comment on Weaver's blog and want to wish you and Bob all the best.

  19. Dear Mary I have followed and loved your blog for many years, but have only posted a comment a couple times. Please know I will keep you and your dear husband in my thoughts and see a successful surgery and a fast recovery. Take care๐Ÿ’œ
    Darlene from Upland, Calif

  20. I've been away from blogging for awhile and am just getting caught up. I am so sorry to hear about Bob's cancer diagnosis. Although I've not met him, I can just tell what a great guy he is. Please know that I am keeping him (and you) in my thoughts. Sending sincere wishes for a successful surgery and treatment plan. Take good care. Hugs!

  21. Look at this wonderful support Mary! Together you will tackle this episode and know you will get THE BEST Care. We will all keep you in our thoughts and our prayers for healing and strength and wise decisions from those doctors... We have so much to be thankful for Mary. I wish I could send you and Bob all the positive wellness available. Overcome, stand firm and remember all the best and make goals to travel once again. We know you can do it, hugs across the continent cousin

  22. Dearest Mary, I, too, have been away from blogging for too long and missed this awful news. Poor Bob, and what a shock for you both. I rather expect you are much further along in this latest medical journey but I fervently hope your darling husband is doing well. He's in great hands, including yours, and I send you both lots of love. xx


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