Saturday, March 5, 2022


This has not been a good week in so many ways.
This female bluebird is a bright spark though. She was 
outside the window a little while ago.
I cleaned out the large birdhouse ready for spring nesting
 and hopes of more bluebird babies this year.

This Saturday morning the news from Europe, especially as broadcast by 
the BBC, and much more in depth than what we are seeing on US news
reports, has stunned us even more. The almost a million refugees arriving
 in Hungary and Poland - Ukrainian mothers and their little children being
 'adopted' by caring people - but they also scared for the future of
 their own countries.
 Ukrainian fathers now 'soldiers' trying to save their own country.
Babies are being born in basements and metro stations. 
Many have nothing but the clothes on their backs or in a backpack
 as they escape the bombing of their much-loved homes.
Hundreds of Indian university students are locked down in hostels without
 food and water for several days now, no way to leave, nowhere to go, and
 being shot at if they venture outside, and it's bitterly cold.
So many more stories, all heartbreaking.

Please pray for these people, and all who are fighting for their lives, their
country and the freedom they so rightly deserve.
Once again the entire world is in danger because of one insane man!

 Yesterday I walked to the neighborhood park.
The sun was bright and very warm.
I knew I was safe, a lucky person, and in a peaceful place.
This blue and yellow reflection in the pond was a message.


  1. Yesm ary - sad and worrying news indeed.

  2. It is in our minds constantly, we see the Ukrainian people as incredibly brave, their men stay and fight for their country/liberty, many are returning from other countries to take up arms - that is the kind of patriotism I admire. Your little bluebird is a welcome distraction, I have been watching a green and red woodpecker with similar gratitude to yours for the beauty of Nature, despite so much destruction by mankind.

  3. Dearest Mary,
    Yes, we have to pray hard that Satan is NOT getting the upper hand in the entire world!
    So much is at stake, for so many...
    The lovely female blue bird is refreshing!

  4. Bluebirds are such sweet pretty birds. I wish all people could see such beauty today. I am saddened and maddened how much suffering and destruction can occur by one greedy evil person. I see my immigrant grandparents in the faces of elderly people trying to find safety anywhere. They have left their homes, possessions and loved ones, all because of one man's greed. I pray for their safety and days for them to see beauty in their lives again.

  5. Dear Mary,
    These are such dark days for so many - those who flee, those who stay, those who fight for Ukraine. I pray for a miracle, and I pray for peace. Ukraine's people are never far from my thoughts.
    I, too, find a measure of comfort in the wonders of nature. Your pretty bluebird is lovely.

  6. Dear Mary, prayers are much needed - and to imagine how quick something can change from good to utterly devastating is frightening. Mankind is weak - and after losing much strength through a pandemic now comes another threat. It is always so depressing that in a modern world some political leaders see evidently no other way than brutal force.

  7. It is rather close to home here in Germany, and so people are very worried. In my town, we have a small Ukrainian population (and a much bigger Russian one); so far, they have been getting along, and our Mayor is urging them to keep things peaceful here. The citizens of Ludwigsburg have been very active with collecting money and goods for charity, organising trips to and from the Ukraine and towards the borders of Poland and Romania, where many who live here are from, too. Also, there have been prayers for peace on our market square, including five major religions but being open to anyone, no matter what faith.
    There is not much more we can do.

  8. Such sadness in this old world. I am praying for peace and all those in the grips of this conflict.

  9. It's horrific, Mary. My heart goes out to all the innocent people suffering at the hands of narcissistic tyrants. I am keeping them all in my thoughts and prayers. We've been closely watching the situation in the Ukraine. Just ordinary people like us. These are worrying times for sure...

  10. Yes, praying for Ukraine without ceasing.
    What a gorgeous picture reflecting on the pond.


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