Saturday, March 31, 2012

Peek from Penang, Malaysia

Arriving in Penang.

House with caged doves.

Standing Buddha.

Butterfly Farm.

OK dear readers................India may be where the computer people are smart but the reception for Internet on board the ship is lousy! Today, Sunday here, We are headed from Cochin to Mumbai, a long day at sea when I hoped to show you a lot of what we've experienced over the past week. Unfortunately loading pics is most frustrating so you just get another glimpse right now until I get a better connection later. Take my word that we've visited some amazing places, have some good images, and I will share them with you another time.

Missing catching up with everyone - but thinking of you all and hope life is good wherever you are.


  1. Can't wait for you to share more Mary. Sounds like you are having a blast!

    Happy Travels!

    Sft x

  2. Happy with a glimpse, Mary. Glad you are having a fabulous trip.
    Thinking about you with all this tartan floating around Blogland today. LOL
    ~ Sarah

  3. Oh my, Mary. You're off on another adventure. And, it looks fabulous. I'll be back to see more.

  4. Enjoy your travels and don't worry we will be here when you return. Happy travels and love what ever you share.

  5. I know I'm repeating myself here but I have to tell you.... I really envy you for all the experiences you're living, new places, new cultures, new people.... every trip you are richer, you know this, right?

  6. The last thing you should worry about is uploading photos - just get out there and keep on taking them and enjoying all the wonder of your surroundings! We'll still be here when things settle down.

  7. I am caught up with your posts – and they are lovely as usual. Your photos of flowers are gorgeous. We have traveled on Cunard’s Queen Mary 2 and Queen Victoria but not Queen Elizabeth – I bet you are having a great time. I went to Singapore, and Dubai but on my own, not on a cruise ship, but I did not have a digital camera then. You certainly had a great itinerary. You will have so many wonderful photos to show us. Enjoy it all!

  8. Such a gorgeous butterflies...sorry you had trouble in India with the computer! The trip looks wonderful so far!


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