Saturday, November 17, 2012

Greek delicacies..................A FAVORITE THING

Anchored off Navplion we tendered into town across the 
turquoise waters....................

.................and after climbing to the top of the 
Palamidi Citadel (completed 1714) for breathtaking 
views and fresh air...................

............we came down to the town in search of 
A FAVORITE THING...........a Greek Salad which, as 
you can see, was awesome, served outdoors in a 
waterfront cafe.

I also ordered grilled fresh sardines.......
.....which were just OK.

View across the water as we enjoyed a 
great Greek luncheon.

Liking to Claudia's Saturday party - A FAVORITE THING - HERE
Stop by when you can!


  1. Lovely, Mary. Your images look like post cards. Perhaps you should market them. ;-)
    Happy Days............Sarah

  2. Very delicious! Both the lunch and the view.

  3. Yes indeed! I remember those salads well -- we visited a good friend of mine in Greece about 5 summers ago. Lots of Greek salads just like that were eaten. And the biggest shrimp we ever did see -- the size of lobsters. Plus we tried octopus for the first time. Who wouldn't love a view like that. :) Best wishes, Tammy

  4. Your pictures are beautiful, as always, Mary! My father loved sardines and we were fascinated by them! I finally got the nerve to have one on a small cracker and it was heaven!

    Hope all is well with you. Happy Saturday!


  5. It looks beautiful there and that salad looks amazing! I have never had sardines....I know they are really good for you. I am going to be eating a lot more seafood and a lot less meat in the coming years. In fact, my From Harvest To Table blog is going to start being about a healthier eating style, after we get settled in our new home.

  6. Gorgeous view, yummy salad, beautiful Greece! Definitely a Favorite Thing. Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  7. Delicious views. Delicious salad. What a good time you had/are having.

  8. Amazing photographs as always,Mary, picture postcard perfect.The food looks delicious.

  9. Mary you photographs are amazing. Oh the salad....delicious. I would love to know the dressing. Is it only olive oil?

  10. Lovely views and mouth watering photos of food...who could ask for more! :)

  11. Gorgeous view~
    The salad looks absolutely delicious!

  12. These were good tto, food and scenery.


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