Wednesday, September 17, 2014

September Garden Thoughts. . . . .

Fading flowers, trailing vines, fluffy seed heads, 
mystery weeds, new grass seed . . . . . . all part of 
the late Summer garden preparing for Autumn.

Working outside is still hard and tiring. Humidity and 
biting mosquitoes make gardening miserable. After an 
hour or so one feels like an old worn shoe, a rusted trowel, 
a broken hoe, a pile of clippings, and a trash barrel, 
all jumbled together by the compost heap.

The old quote comes to mind.
A garden is thing of beauty . . . and a job forever.

Now the beauty is fading, but it's still a small joy to 
behold in an early misty dawn, or the coolness of dusk.
I have to laugh to myself when people stop in the street, 
say how lovely the garden looks. I thank them profusely, 
but deep down feel somewhat guilty. I want to tell 
them not to look closely . . . I almost want to be like 
them, observing beauty from afar.


  1. Wonderful post, Mary, of your late summer garden, and whose view from where I sit, still reflects the charmingly sweet presence of its heyday!


  2. My morning glories and sweet potato vine look awful, but everything else is holding up pretty well. We don't have the heat and humidity you are having but omg the mosquitoes want to carry me away. What I don't like is the narrow window of daylight there is between the time I come home from work and dark.

  3. Gardening IS hard work. The corners you've shown are lovely and we certainly won't pick at the little things. Garden cleanup is beginning here, too, and I'll be feeling just like you next to the compost heap.

  4. A job forever indeed! Your late blooms look great still, Mary. I clipped a blue endless summer hydrangea bloom today and it's huge and a rosy purple shade. I hope it dries that way. Have a nice evening.

  5. And it is beautiful from here (afar). I have been thinking of the quote that says something about a time for every season.
    Each season has it's own beauty and your garden definitely exemplifies the beauty of early fall.
    Yes, garden is constant work, except when it sleeps for awhile in winter.


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