Monday, March 9, 2015

Language of flowers. . . . . . . .

 Yesterday we headed to the garden . . . . . . many hours of hard work, not play. 
Bob was more diligent than me, I had to give up and let him carry on alone
 until supper time.
Sun shining, slight breeze, temperature actually reached over 70F by mid-afternoon. 
We have a lot of damage from the recent ice storm, split branches on small trees and 
shrubs, the worse being a large and lovely variegated privet, which has to 
come down now. 
We let it go with only minimal pruning over 10 years and it became a tall tree.  
Located behind the gazebo it gave us privacy. It became a favorite perching place 
for the birds on their way to feeders and bird bath.
It will be missed, a lot.

The first daffodils were a shock - they were all lying on the ground. Stems bent 
from the ice were unable to hold up their golden heads.
I cut them and brought them in the cottage, looked for a short vase and decided 
two of my favorite mugs would be perfect.

 . . . . . . and today is the day for changing the magazine tear sheet on the 
refrigerator door. Remember I shared this easy display location a while back.
Winter is on the wane and I'm now enjoying this beautiful display of daffodils.

Has come to town
With a yellow petticoat 
And a pretty green gown
~ Nursery Rhyme ~


  1. I have daffodils coming out in my garden at the moment, my mum used to love them

  2. I hate it when shrubs or trees are damaged after a bad winter, they've taken a long time to mature . Daffs. are my favourite spring flower, even though they don't last very long in a vase. I like the idea of a magazine tear sheet on the fridge door.

  3. Flowers! We all love love love them. Tomorrow on our "By Invitation Only" posts from around the world we are talking about the inspiration we get from flowers and our "go-to" Spring outfits. I'm in Texas so we really haven't had freeze damage in Houston this year, but tons of friends on the East coast & in the North, and they have suffered big-time. xx's

  4. Your daffodils are gorgeous! I just can't enough of them this year.
    They are so beautiful to watch out my window. Sorry you lost a favored tree.

  5. That's a great idea, Mary, with the Magazine tear sheet. Beautiful photo of your "frozen" daffodils too, I might add. Sorry though to learn fo that lovely variegated privet having to come down. So will you now plant another? :)

    BTW, thought I'd let you that I've started a new blog, writing again to accompany my artistic journey.

    1. Yeah! So happy you are back writing Michael. Your art is amazing but your writing I've missed so much. I've left a comment and signed up to received your future posts - welcome back!
      LIfe is good, is it not?
      Hugs - Mary

  6. btw.

  7. Oh that's a shame about your tree. Your daffodils look beautiful though, at least you were able to salvage them!

  8. I'm glad you were able to cut some daffodils and enjoy them inside after the ice damaged them so much. And that's a shame about your privet. Ice and snow can be very damaging to shrubs and trees. I like your fridge picture this month. Very cheerful.

  9. Oh poor things! What an awful shock for them. How beautiful they look in your home. Pace yourselves now...there is probably much to be done after this harsh winter. I will be glad to see bare ground; hopefully, in a few weeks there'll be some.


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