Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Evening Light. . . . . . . . . . .

Have you visited England in summertime? I hope so.
If you arrived from the North American continent, and perhaps some other locations,
you will have noticed how the evenings remain light and bright until quite late. 
Sunrise is also very early, around 5 AM, so the days are exceptionally long and lovely.
I really enjoy that when I go home at this season.
Having more hours of daylight to enjoy walking and nighttime amusements is
Sightseeing, beach going, drinking a cool glass of wine and dining
al fresco in late day sunlight, walking through flowering gardens, sauntering 
along the cliff walks, taking a ferris wheel ride . . . watching the sun set, then
street lamps turn on, all quite different when this occurs late in the evening.
Twilight arrives - the perfect blue hour.

All these photos were taken late afternoon into the evening in Torquay on different
days when we were out and about . . . . . . after the crowds had disappeared.
The last one below is from the windows of the cottage where we stayed - the 
street lights came on just as we arrived back after walking along the beach road
one particularly balmy evening.

Hope you enjoy seeing my beautiful home town. . . . 
and there will be more!


  1. I absolutely love seeing your home town. Love the blue hour too. I think here in Oregon we have a bit more of that than you do. It is lovely outdoors until about 9PM and then the sun starts rising about 5AM. I must say we have friends moving to Greensboro, NC this week and we already are thinking one day we need to travel your way. I have never been to your part of the world in the US and would love that too.

  2. Such a lovely place, Mary. It's fun to get a glimpse and experience the charm of your childhood home.

  3. I have visited England in the spring, in the summer and in the fall ~~ could never get enough of this magical place ....

  4. I'm enjoying reading these posts about your home town. L'heure bleue is a beautiful time of day. The light looks suspended between day and night. England is on my list of places to visit and the more I read about it and see your photos, the more I want to go. Here the light lingers long, too. It's 9:15 as I write and the light is fading beautifully.

  5. Your photography is magazine worthy, Mary. Then again--you have an outstanding subject!

    Jane x

  6. Thought I recognised the place. My parents had their honeymoon there and I have been there with them on Holiday a couple of times as a youngster. Not a place I will visit in the summer with all the people on holiday there. Nice photo's of the place

  7. Those are really magical pictures, Mary. Love the long summer evenings - but, as someone said a couple of weeks ago, the nights are drawing in now and it will soon be Christmas! Aaargh!!!


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