Wednesday, September 1, 2021

September morning and it's raining -----

My baby bunny is growing! I was really concerned we had lost it to the hawk
 who visits the fig tree. Yesterday, while watering, bunny popped out of the
 large pot of ivy - the one on the left of the bird bath and potted hydrangea
 in the photo below. It hopped across the lawn to the acer and munched
 on grass for some time - long enough to get my camera and catch a little
 mouth wiping with a soft paw, so sweet.

As expected, rain arrived today. 
Remnants of Hurricane Ida have reached North Carolina, bringing us
 much-needed moisture, a little this morning, heavier with possible wind
 and storms later this afternoon and evening, so we'll be battening down the
 hatches until around midnight when it should all be over. 
Then a few days to look forward to with sunshine and lower temperatures
 at long last.

Welcome to the lovely month of September.


  1. Replies
    1. He/she is cute as a button and not scared of us at all. Just hope it stays safe!

  2. Dearest Mary,
    So happy you had an encounter with baby bunny who's now a teenager and happily residing in 'paradise'.
    Yes, hurricane season always messes up our weather too as it passes by.

    1. We were fortunate - no storms last evening, just a little rain and we need much more but nothing on the radar until next Wed!!!!!!

  3. What a dear little bunny, so pleased it has survived the hawk. We watched news reports of the hurricane, so awful. The garden would no doubt enjoy the extra water by the time it got to your place. We welcomed Spring with a good heavy shower here overnight, just what we need. xx

    1. Happy spring dear Trish - hope the days to come will be lovely in your area.
      I'm truly welcoming autumn this year - just been a really miserable summer in regard to heat/humidity and no rain to speak of which has ruined the garden!

  4. What a lovely picture of the bunny! I am glad it is still around, even though the hawk would have been happy to have a good meal as well.
    September is indeed a lovely month; at least over here, it is often much nicer than July and August, with more sunshine during the day but cool nights to make sleep easier. This year, we hardly had such warm nights that sleeping was difficult; it was a rainy, chilly summer most of the time. All the more welcome is this beautiful September sun.

    1. Wondering if you have air conditioning Meike? Thinking not if nights indoors can be uncomfortable for sleeping. We just couldn't survive without our a/c as the night time temps outdoors remain in the 80's so the house would never cool off without it running 24/7 through the hot months. . . . and opening windows makes it even hotter!!!
      Happy September days.

    2. Nobody I know over here has a/c in their houses; only shops and some modern office buildings have it. We are used to less extreme temperatures here and most of the time can manage with opening the windows.

  5. Great picture of the bunny. Sadly, I've seen pet bunnies running around the park in my neighborhood and found a few that were dead. People get them as pets, then they get tired of them and toss them out. Bunnies aren't like cats. They can't jump into the garbage for food. It's heartbreaking. I saw video that NYC got hammered with rain and had some major flooding again. Ida sure didn't want to let up as she crossed the country. Take care.

    1. OH Tammy...that's so sad about the bunnies. I hate that people do dump animals like that. :(

  6. So glad your resident bunny made an appearance to reassure you. He is a cute little thing. September is a very lovely month and I'm glad it will cool off for you, and rain a little. We need rain here, too, and did have a very tiny rainfall this week, but not really enough to do much good. Happy September to you!

  7. I'm glad the bunny is safe and sound. Enjoy the rain. We've been getting some here, off and on, over the past few days. We are officially in Spring now. :)

    Serena xx

  8. Your bunny is so cute! I have 2 sometimes 3 bunnies. I swear they tease the dogs. I love to watch them hop around the backyard! Have a great day Mary!

  9. What a cute bunny. I haven't seen any bunnies for awhile in our yard and I always worry the coyotes have gotten them. Glad you got some rain, but did wonder about the hurricane rain.


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