Monday, January 2, 2023

. . . . . . .fogged in!

A stratus cloud that touches ground level is referred to as fog. Water vapor condenses and mixes in the cool air, forming tiny wet droplets.  It can reduce visibility and cause life to take pause and slow down. The formation of stratus clouds occurs when a sheet of cool air passes under a sheet of moist, warm air. Stratus is the Latin word meaning to spread out or layer.

This morning............

Personally I like a foggy morning. Shrouds of grey enveloping the trees behind the house, muted sounds, silence. Staying indoors, I glance through the windows and see a blank slate for the day ahead. Nothing stirs. When the sun breaks through the colors start to glow. . . . . . . . and life goes on.


  1. I like a sunny morning with blue skies, regardless of temperature. First thing in the morning my poor body and mind need all the help they can get, just to get out of bed :)

  2. Your pictures are lovely. There's been fog and haze here for many days and seems it's to continue though the sun may peek out today for awhile. I'm not a fan of the gloom as I find the environment around me rather dreary in the first place. My favorite days are slightly cool with bright blue sky. Happy new year.

  3. I like a foggy morning, too. Everything seems enchanted; you know the familiar buildings, trees and other features are all there... but are they?

  4. I love a good foggy day like that. I wish I'd had you tagging along when I used to lead walks in the mountains - you'd never believe how many times I was asked whether we were walking in a fog or in low clouds.

  5. I rather like a foggy morning too, Mary. Your photos are fabulous, very evocative. Happy New Year!

  6. Being a Brit prepares you for foggy mornings. Being a Mainer prepares me. I, too, enjoy a foggy morning as long as I don't have to drive in it, There have been many foggy mornings here of late.

  7. Dearest Mary,
    That is exactly what we did wake up to in Sarasota Bay, yesterday a little less dense than the first of January. But I started driving home by 10:10 AM as it almost had dissipated.
    It would be another perfect sunny day there with clear blue sky.
    Worse than the fog was the heavy traffic and traffic jam... It took me again two hours longer than 'normal'.

  8. I like a foggy morning, too. Everything seems shrouded in mystery, and you've conveyed that so well in your photos.

  9. Beautiful photographs Mary .... you are so good at photography. I like the fog ..... it makes everywhere look a bit eerie and mysterious. You probably like it because you are British !!!! XXXX

  10. Stunning pictures! We had a sea fog morning on Monday.

  11. Dear Mary, Love your fog photos. They remind me of a hilarious scene in the Fellini movie " Amacore".

  12. Foggy here also in S. W. Ontario.
    Checked my garden, a fern is showing some green, a daffodil bulb peeking through the ground due to the mild wet weather. Much too early little plants it is going to get cold, hide your heads.
    Happy New Year Mary

  13. I also do love a foggy morning. There is something so cozy about them. I almost feel like I am the only person in the world when it is foggy.


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