Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Run rabbit, run. . . . . . . . .

The old love affair with sweet little bunnies continues. . . . .the enjoyment of
 watching them hippity hopping through the garden, but despising them for all the
 nibbling of the fresh green, crisp plants popping up everywhere during this
 rampant growing season. Is this a 'Peter Rabbit Syndrome' perchance?

Yesterday, in the cool of the early morning, I was outside armed with my trowel,
 hoisting bags of soil, potting up the plants I purchased on Sunday. 
Who in their right mind goes to the garden center on Sunday afternoon in
 broiling 97F (36C) temperatures?
I thought I was going to die out there - racing through the place grabbing plants
 willynilly, not knowing who was wilting most, them or me. 
Knowing I'll not be doing much in the garden for a couple of weeks - no heavy
 lifting after this surgery - I had to get this done. Late for me to be potting but
 just couldn't leave on the Ireland trip and expect neighbors to do so much watering.

Hopefully I'll be able to lift a camera in the coming weeks - then I'll show you
more of the garden - if the rabbits haven't eaten it!

Off he went eventually, but in no hurry - in fact he stared me down for 
about 10 minutes before deciding to move on. Wasn't until I looked at my pix on
 the computer that I noticed my stone rabbit in this shot as the little white bobtail
 hopped away under the car. . . . . .headed to have a nibble at my
neighbors' plants I'm sure!

Many, many thanks to all of you who have wished me well for my 
surgery tomorrow, I so appreciate your kind and loving words and 
I'll be back here soon - hopefully enjoying being a bit lazy for a while 
as I recuperate - and catching up with everyone again.

. . . . . . and there's my wonderful husband spending this morning mowing
 the grass (so I can recuperate happily looking at a manicured lawn) before
 the temperature soars back into the 90's tomorrow.


  1. Sending supportive thoughts for your hospital visit and recovery period. You have excellent health facilities and a loving family by your side. Compared to some things you have done, this will be a breeze.
    Your weather, your climate continue to amaze me. Such contrasts. You're welcome to that! I like it the same every day.
    I am puzzled by the rabbits. I grew up in an agricultural region. Rabbits were eliminated there. Pet rabbits were forbidden although registered magicians could keep one under license. Now I live somewhere else and there are both pet and feral rabbits here. Not many feral ones, thankfully. Were the rabbits in your photos the descendants of introduced rabbits? Or are they native animals? Do they dig those long tunnels under buildings? Are they considered pests?

  2. Rabbits are cute but not in the garden!

  3. Best wishes for your healing. It is hot here too. It was bound to happen, but I had gotten spoiled.

  4. Not much eating on that little chap, so probably not worth eating.......... Sorry but here they get shot. Pests. They dig holes that one can twist and ankle in and eat vegetable seedlings. It's a shame they look so cute.
    Thinking of you today Mary. I hope all goes well and as planned. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Hugs from Ali.

  5. Oh that bunny!!! Take care and my thoughts will be with you tomorrow and as you recover.

  6. Oh dear Peter rabbit in your lovely garden, definitely not, he must be sent away.
    Hope all goes well for you and you'll be back home soon to recuperate, get well soon .

  7. Dear Mary. I'm sending healing thoughts.

  8. Hope all went well yesterday and that you are back home with your feet up enjoying looking out at your beautiful garden.

  9. I'm late in reading blogs - but sure enjoyed this one with the cute bunnies. We have not seen one here - but some of our neighbors have - I'd love to have one or two visit our yard.


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