Tuesday, May 10, 2022

A posy is enough -

Peonies are beautiful. Hanging their heavily petalled heads in the garden
their deep green leaves often become a resting place, and a piece of twirled
 garden twine is sometimes necessary to stop them from toppling over.  

To catch their astounding, heady fragrance, at least one must be cut,
brought indoors, and set in a tiny vase of fresh water to perfume 
a room. Mine is in the dining room - cut as my gift to myself, along
 with a few roses and honeysuckle.

The sun forsook us on Sunday leaving heavy cloud cover but no rain,
 just very chilly and rather grey. Somewhat unusual for Mother's Day which
often is hot and from what I recall always sunny.

It was still a special day though and at last I was able to go to
the Van Gogh Immersive Experience. It was truly amazing!  Attending
with granddaughter Jasmin made it extra special as we had visited Arles, 
Provence together several years ago so this brought back many happy
 memories of that time in France.

Another busy week here as we will be taking a trip out of town.
Enjoy your week - I'll see you later.


  1. Your flowers are beautiful! I would love to see that exhibit. Enjoy your trip away!

  2. I love peonies! I was looking at the photos of mine from last year just the other day (it'll be about another month before mine bloom) and was saying to Brian that I think they're more beautiful than roses!

    We had the Van Gogh exhibit here in Chicago last year, I believe it was. I wanted to go but never got around to it. Glad you enjoyed!

  3. The van Gogh Immersive Experience would be well worth travelling half way across the world to have seen. He had a tough life.

  4. Peonies and roses, so beautiful! I love this season of plenty. Glad you could go to the Van Gogh exhibit too. I loved it.

  5. Hello Mary, Glad to read that you enjoyed the Van Gogh exhibit. The peony is so gorgeous with all the pale frilly petals.

  6. It'll soon be time for me to tootle off around my local area to see if any fields of peonies are blooming. They grow a lot of them around here and, while most of them are cut when still in bud so that they are at their best when they reach their destination, recently some have been left to flower in the fields as there have been problems recruiting enough workers.

  7. Peonies are amazing! What a huge puffball of loveliness!

  8. Mary, the peonies are beautiful this year! I love them so much. My roses and daylilies are blooming now too! Crazy early for that but I'll take it!

  9. Dear Mary, Love, Love, Love your Posy.

  10. Your peony is so lush – I’ll have to check to see if they’ll grow in Nashville. The composition of your photo is very artistic, too.

  11. A trip? Have a great time exploring. Take lots of photos.

  12. Dearest Mary,
    That photo is a POEM!
    How I miss our fragrant peonies...
    We here had the same nippy weather and my excruciating mid–back arthritis pain is back with me; a 2nd time this spring.
    Hope that too will soon take a trip away!!!

  13. Wonderful. Like Laura said, a huge puffball of loveliness.

  14. What a beautiful photo of your peony alongside the roses and honeysuckle. I no longer have peonies and do miss them. With a small garden I had to show restraint with what to plant. As much as I love peonies, they just don't bloom long enough to earn a place here so, instead, I will enjoy yours :).
    Can't wait to hear about your trip. I know you must be excited to be travelling again.

  15. We have a rose that sort of looks like a peony, if that makes any sense. Peonies are beautiful but I don't think they'll grow well here as it's too dry.

  16. Mary your peony is so lovely. Hoping that someday I will have some in my new yard. Elizabeth@pineconesandacorns


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