Saturday, July 28, 2012

Hot, but let's bake.............

Just had to show you these. I whipped them up 
Thursday when my dear friend Vanessa was coming 
over with her little daughter Luna..........
I love to bake something fresh and pretty 
when company is coming, don't you?

Scones are quick, easy and only require one bowl, 
always a huge plus.
These can also be made using strawberries 
(cut them up a bit), or blueberries.
If you have any scones left over - we didn't as Luna 
loved them and took some home 
to share with her daddy - they freeze well!  

Here's the recipe if you don't mind heating up the kitchen for a little while...............

Raspberry Scones - makes 8 good-sized scones
Preheat oven to 400F
1 cup fresh firm raspberries, halved
3 Tblsps granulated sugar
2 cups unbleached all-purp. flour
2 teasps. baking powder
1/4 teasp. salt
6 Tblsps. unsalted butter, just slightly 
softened, cut into pieces
3/4 cup heavy cream
Extra sugar for dusting tops

Preheat oven to 400F. Lightly butter a baking sheet.
Toss fruit with 1 Tblsp. of the sugar.
In a large mixing bowl combine remaining sugar with flour, baking powder and salt. Add butter and cut in with pastry blender, or use fingers, until mixture becomes fine crumbs.
Stir in fruit gently, add all the cream, and mix together carefully with a spatula. Turn out on a lightly floured board, knead a few times, do not overwork or scones will be tough. Pat the dough into a 3/4" thick round, adding a sprinkle of flour on top if really sticky. Cut with sharp knife into 8 wedges and transfer to the baking sheet - leaving a small space between each scone. 
Bake 15 minutes - remove and sprinkle lightly with sugar and return to oven for another 5 minutes, or until scones are just turning golden. Watch carefully, do not overbake or they will be dry.
Allow to cool a bit on a rack - serve with fresh butter or lemon curd.......enjoy!


  1. Yum! I love to take scones to school to share with the teachers. This maybe my treat when we return in a few weeks. So pretty!

  2. They looks delicious! Thank you for the recipe Mary.

  3. I've made scones from your blog in the past Mary - and they were a hit!

  4. Mmmm, and I bet they made the house smell wonderful! We would love you to share your fresh scones and recipe at Farm Fresh Friday! Stop over and take a peek!

  5. Mary, only this morning I went to our 'pick your own' farm for raspberries! So I shall try your recipe out, thank you.

  6. Delicious, Mary, and very pretty indeed!

  7. They looks delicious and I do love my scones with tea. I will have to make them sometimes soon. We have thoroughly enjoyed your blueberry muffins on several occasions. Breakfast scones and muffins are two of my favorite things.

  8. Perfect for an afternoon tea. ;-)

  9. Hi Mary,

    Oh my goodness - your fruit scone recipe is so easy and yummy. I am going to make them for a tea I am hosting in a few weeks. Thank you for the recipe. I love your post about having younger friends - I also feel blessed to have some younger friends.
    Have a lovely day.

  10. Hi dear! Oh, poor daddy didn't get a chance to try it, Luna and I ate them late in the evening on that same day!! hahaha they were so delicious, we couldn't hel ourselves and ate them up! :) Thank you for a lovely day, and the yummy food. Love you lots! Vanessa

  11. I see I missed this post Mary. I just copied down your recipe as it sounds so delicious. thanks for sharing it with us! Hugs, Pamela

  12. Thanks Mary for the recipe. they looked like you could just reach in and help yourself.

    I usually make mine with dried fruits, nuts, etc.
    but will buy raspberries this week and try them.

    I also liked the way your table turned out. I can understand why you wanted to keep it. Amazing what a bit of paint and labour will do.



  13. Definitely had to copy this one down! I am so tired of buying things with umpteen different preservatives in them, and then they don't taste good. I will try this one out soon!
    Hugs to you both,


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