Saturday, July 7, 2012

Zimbabwe sunset..............

Often you're just stopped in your tracks....literally.  Elephants always have the right of way, after all they're much bigger than us!
Here at Little Makalolo in Zimbabwe our friend Mark from California joined the safari - he's sitting in front with our delightful ranger, and true gentleman, Charles. 

Charles knew where the elephants liked to hang out, especially evenings. Sunset was around 5:30PM and Winter months have spectacular ones. The light is lovely on the dusky behemoths as they take their last drink of the day, converse with friends who stop by the water hole, take a dust bath, round up the kids...........

...........and then start the long trek back to the cover of the bush where eating starts all over again!

The last elephants at the water hole..........
....and then they are gone, the water hole is perfectly still, only the silhouettes of the Helmeted Guinea Fowl remain....a tranquil moment in the African evening in Zimbabwe's Hawange National Park.


  1. Pic no.10 is my favourite Mary the colours are superb. It is quite incredible how light , time and outdoor conditions can change an image so much. Beautiful.


  2. What a spectacular sunset. I loved the baby elephants. They are adorable.

  3. Beautiful - especially with the narrative!

  4. You got some great the ones where you caught the dust and your narration bring it all to life.

  5. Mary,
    Your pictures are amazing. I almost feel like I am there. The picture of the mama elephant with her babies is so sweet. I had to call my husband over to see it.

  6. Your photo's are beautiful, can't wait to take my own.

  7. The "tiny" little babies are so cute!

  8. How beautiful. I am enjoying your pictures and narrative so much Mary. We are just now getting over jet lag. Thought I was immune but I was wrong. Look forward to more of your trip.
    Hugs, Penny

  9. Wonderful pictures, especially No. 5, with the varying lights and darks, and sense of movement.

  10. Just loving all of these beautiful photos that you have been posting. Looks like an amazing place!

  11. Hi Mary,

    Your photographs of the elephants are just stunning and the evening sky is lovely. What a beautiful place to visit.
    Thank you for sharing. Hope N.C. gets some rain soon.

  12. These sightings are just awe moments even in your photographs. I just could sit and look at these elephants and imagine glorious peacefulness of the sun going down.

  13. So charming, and to be able to watch them in person would be a wonderful dream!


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