Thursday, October 11, 2018

Always seem to be waiting -

The North Carolina State Fair opening scheduled for today has been cancelled.

Today we will sit out the last throes of Hurricane Michael which is already
 bringing us strong gusty winds. Possible tornado activity and flooding from
 the heavy rainfall is also expected. 
I'm getting tired of moving things to safer places off the porch, deck etc. 
I'm worrying about the big trees falling on us, power outages, and heavy
 water runoff through the back garden. As the wind bands come around
buckets of acorns fall from the massive oaks, rattle down the roof and roll
across the back deck.
 I am so sad to see the devastation in Florida, this was a huge storm.
These days I seem to worry about just about everything, much more than
 I ever have. Perhaps it's an aging thing. . . . . .as aging I am!

Meanwhile, with the heat continuing daily, early autumn decor displayed
 outdoors is not doing so well. I've already lost a pumpkin - it 'exploded' on
 the porch and is now in the compost bin!
Chrysanthemums are beautiful, most of the buds are now fully open,
 hopefully they last a while longer until cooler weather arrives.
I've moved them today so they will not get damaged in the wind and rain.

My cooking pumpkins and squash are my simple indoor decor for the
 season. . . . . until they are enjoyed roasted and made into tasty dishes.

Freda's delicious Apple Butter from her pumpkin farm.
A really much appreciated tasty gift.

The great British author P.D. James got it right when she wrote ~

"It was one of those perfect English autumnal days
 which occur more frequently in memory than in life."

Oh how I'm longing for golden days such as those of my own English childhood.


  1. May you see many wonderful autumn days after this Michael business. I am sad for all those going through another hurricane just after Florence. Ride it out well... Will be very glad for your next post.

  2. Dear Mary - I think that we do possibly worry more as we get older and I hope that 'Michael' takes his gusty winds far, far, away from you and Bob.
    All corners of the world seem to be suffering from extremes of weather of some kind or another - we were without rain from May until September, now we have our Indian Summer, and all of this following on from our very snowy winter,
    The worry that I have is 'what is happening to our planet, and will my grandchildren be safe or are we leaving them loads of problems to solve'?

  3. Stay safe Mary. We are experiencing the high winds now. The rain seems to have stopped. We are suppose to get cooler weather from here on out. Then I will go buy more mums.

  4. Oh poor pumpkin - I suppose the heat was too much for it. Autumn is always slow in coming here but this year we've been luckier than usual - it's actually rained some 5-6 times since the beginning of September. I'm thankful for the rain. Now I hope the weather will cool down soon. I hope you stay safe.

  5. I hope there won't be any serious damage to your house and garden. Pumpkin in all forms is great food!

  6. The eastern US is certainly being hit with all kinds of nasty weather lately. Climate change is affecting so many parts of the globe with adverse affects. I hope Michael will be the last of the winds and rain for this season - I can understand it all becoming very tiresome. Hopefully the weather will cool down for you, as well. Poor exploding pumpkin!

  7. Dear Mary, I was so sorry to see the progression of Hurricane Michael on the US East Coast. I hope it passes you by and goes away. We had 'tornado like' storms in Queensland yesterday, something almost unknown. How the world's weather has changed. Your chrysanthemums are gorgeous in the glowing golden tones - and the pumpkins are always picturesque and good to eat!

  8. It was a wild day around here too. In all the years I've lived in NC those were the highest winds I've ever seen. We had many trees in the neighborhood come down. I can't even imagine how bad it must be for those in the Florida panhandle. So sad! The only good thing I can say about Michael is that he blew all of the heat and humidity out of here. Your pumpkins and mums are a lovely sight, Mary.

  9. Dear Mary, I’m late to comment but read your later post so I’m up to date with the aftermath of ‘Michael’.
    Like you I’m a worrier now - never used to be - my children call me a worry wort whatever THAT is!
    I’m sure it’s our age… Que séra séra.
    Each year I look forward to your “autumn post” to see your pumpkin decor and this year it’s amazing! I’m admiring the small white ones especially. Back in April which is our Autumn, I looked everywhere to try and find them here but only the large ones seem to be grown here … I envisaged a table decoration with a mixture of white candles, large autumn leaves and pumpkins 🎃 xx

  10. Glad you were Ok from that.

    BTW, your home looks so serene there. Ahhh...


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