Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Patience. . . . . . . and what about Blogger?

All we need is a little patience and tiny miracles appear right before our eyes.

Yesterday, to start the week the first few brilliant daffodils opened their golden trumpets.
Just one of many clumps scattered through the garden, the others still just green leaves, 
they positively glowed from the piles of brown leaves and twisted tangles of ivy.
For those of you still in the grip of bitter cold, perhaps buried under snowy
 landscapes - here's my little gift to remind you that springtime is on the way.

Of course it's still winter here in the southeast, however we are throwing off coats
and jackets this week with temperatures reaching into the seventies, as high as
77F tomorrow - but that won't last and often this month, and even March, can bring
harsh days, even snow, and bitter nights.

So what's all this happening with Blogger?  If it's your blogging platform
 did you get/understand the message received this morning regarding 
changes? Some of you apparently feel Google is going to scrap Blogger
all together in the near future - I do not think that will happen.  
The changes seem centered around Google+ and the way we leave
Comments. I have had many problems with this and find it so frustrating
when after writing a lengthy comment it just won't publish. Please know
 I try but often have to give up. BTW, I myself, never signed up for Google+
on my blog.

This morning I've been reading more about alternative blogging 
platforms such as Wordpress which seems popular and easy to use.
Any of you on Wordpress.org or Wordpress.com who would like
to comment here are welcome to share both positive or negative
thoughts. I'm especially interested in whether or not old Blogger 
posts can be migrated into a newly opened Wordpress blog. 

Enjoy your day - and perhaps change is good, sometimes!


  1. Dear Mary - I never signed up for Google plus either, and did not received the message from Blogger today so I am a little confused about that. I did look into Wordpress once but not sure that I could do a proper changeover without the help from someone more tech savvy than me.
    Isn't it lovely to see the daffodils appearing again, I also have some just showing their buds too.

  2. How wonderful to have daffodils in your garden. We're in the midst of a deep freeze (but not all that deep) and the little shoots that came up thinking it was spring are definitely getting a bit of a shock. They +will recover, though.
    I've never signed up for Google+ on my blog, either, and have never been able to leave comments on blogs that use it. I'm glad it's going away, and my understanding was that this won't affect Blogger. But who knows? The technology powers that be do their thing and we are left quite at their mercy.
    A number of years ago I signed up for a Wordpress blog using the same name as my blogger blog, but I've never posted there. I believe a whole blog can be transferred, but I'm certain there are others who know far more than I.
    Enjoy these early spring days, Mary.

  3. yellow is one of attractive colors...love it.
    have a great day

  4. Maybe I'm just too stubborn, but I love Blogger. I find it so easy to use and I tried Wordpress and hated it! I found it too complicated, but then I didn't take too much time to learn how to use it. Google is scraping Google Plus. If you never had an account, this shouldn't affect you at all. I never had one either, I found it useless so I'm not expecting much to change when they phase it out. If I need to, I will go to Wordpress. I actually have a blog on Wordpress, I just wanted to reserve a url in case I need it, but there's nothing on it.

    Thanks for the daffodils!! We are expecting another deep freeze and snow by week end!!

  5. The daffodils are so bright and cheery! I really hate all the tech stuff and wish they would leave well enough alone. When Google+ was first introduced, I signed up for it because it was the only way I could leave comments on so many blogs. People were freaking out then because of the changes and probably did more than they should have to adapt. I always do the very bare minimum and therefore don't think my blog will be affected much. Although it is disappointing to know that all those years of comments will be deleted on all the blogs where Google+ was used. I noticed yesterday when they were starting with the changes that one of the old widgets I used for links within had started working again, but today it isn't. What I don't get is why Firefox can support that widget but Google can't. :/

  6. Dear Mary,
    I received the new Blogger message this morning. Have decided to wait and see. I like Blogger because it is straightforward and easy to use. I also like the look of it. Unless bloggers add a lot of confusing material (advertisements to make money), it is still a very nice way to communicate with words and pictures.
    I don't care for Worddpress. I don't like the end result. But we may have to make some changes.

  7. Love your sweet flowers. I use Wordpress.org. I had someone transfer my blogger blog to wordpress for me and design my blog. It cost quite a bit of money to do that. I also have to pay a hosting fee for wordpress.org. I make up the cost with the few ads I run on my blog. Though, I am about ready to close my blog down. I just don't seem to have any mojo left.

    1. No, no, no, please don't go Penny dear!!!!!!
      It's just the cold, damp weather, the aches and pains, the 'no mojo bad spirit' at this time of year - many of us have it I fear.
      I had to get injections in my shoulders yesterday and feel a bit better today, BUT now there's medical chatter out there which includes possible RA! All these signs of aging work on our minds as well as our limbs I fear - but then there's the tech who drew my blood yesterday, raving about her dear grandfather who's 102 - and she showed me lovely photos of him - and he only stopped driving to church and Sam's Club recently. He cooks his own breakfast, and still works in his garden!!!! Oh my, if we can only be so lucky. Actually I don't relish staying around until that age, however will enjoy several more good years hopefully. . . . . . . and will be heading to the mountains to see you this year for sure! Hang in there sweet friend and please write a post now and then at least.
      Love you, Mary

    2. Thank you for the positive push. We will see what happens after March when I finally get to see my new rheumatologist. Looking forward to seeing you both this year hopefully. Love you back.

  8. They seem to say that they are removing the Follower button also. How do you then follow people?
    Pretty daffodils.

  9. Maybe I need to read behind the scenes... I know nothing of anything new going on. Yes, I am also on Wordpress; however, I find Blogger much more user friendly.

  10. Daffodils already - incredible! I am reading your blog post while sitting here during an ice storm. My husband is driving home from work in it now and my son doesn't get off work until 10 pm and then has to drive home, so I'm very worried about both of them. I am also praying we don't lose power. Not only would it be terrible to be in the dark, but to possibly lose all our food and having no heat when it's only in the 20's. Ugh, my anxiety...

    Anyway, I am so confused about Google Plus. I got the email and skimmed it because it was so confusing. Personally, I don't know anything about Wordpress because I've never used it, but those people I know who do use it say it's complicated and sometimes expensive. I doubt you could move your blog posts from Blogger over to Wordpress yourself - I think you have to hire a professional to do that for you.

  11. Let us hope blogger stays the same, for all of us who are comfortable with using it. I never signed on to Google + either, and hope it goes away quietly and with no fuss. Fingers crossed nothing changes on my blog!
    I love to see the daffodils, and how delightfully early they are. Yellow is a colour of good cheer, just what I need in the humidity we are having these days. We are off to Sydney for a few days, where I hope it is cooler.

  12. I have been posting on blogger for about 5 years. Two weeks ago, it refused to load any more photos without explanation. (I do post lots of photos normally from my holidays). In desperation, I quickly set up a basic Wordpress site. This was easy to do, but very annoying. If blogger has a limit, why didn't they let me know?
    Old blog:
    New blog:


    1. I pay Google $5 a year for more photos on my blog and it has worked fine for a very long time.

  13. Oh, daffodils from your garden!!! We have lots of heads, but they will be slow as it is very cold this week. Soon they will be here though.
    The notice on Blogger I took to be about Blogger+ and comments. I don't have Blogger+, so kind of ignored. I have heard you can migrate your Blogger posts to Wordpress, but haven't pursued it. So far I am OK where I am and hoping that continues.


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