Wednesday, August 19, 2020

One day at a time -

I was accused! 
Of what you may ask. 
Of becoming negative, sad, glum, on my blog!
By whom?  
By my husband.
Yes, he reads my blog. 
He never feels down or depressed.
He's one of those lucky ones.
No matter the circumstances. . . . . 
. . . . . . positive, upbeat, cheerful Bob.
Thank goodness I have him!

One Peace rose in bloom.

Thoughts of whizzing up chilled cucumber gazpacho.

Fading but still lovely.

Was planning to bake at the weekend but didn't. 
Will soon though while peaches are perfect.

Not in my garden this summer - some other lucky person in the
 neighborhood without hungry deer!

Love this English wallpaper design named 'Allotment' -

"An allotment is a plot of land that you rent from your local council or a
 private landowner on which you can grow your own food. Allotments are
 communal places, so you rent a plot from an allotment site and share
 utilities such as water and fertilizer with the other plot owners."

First hummingbird of the summer just flew by my window - didn't stop
 so I'm sharing photos of this special tiny bird from last year.

If you've ever seen Elizabeth Debicki on screen I think you will agree that 
she is going to be fabulous playing the late Princess Diana in the last
 two seasons of The Crown.
I watched her recently in The Night Manager and The Kettering Incident.
Wow, a beautiful, willowy Australian beauty with amazing acting skills.

View from an upstairs bedroom. We recently had some tree
 limbs pruned.  It feels less crowded and I can see the sky.
I like to sit here in an old French
 chair upholstered in vintage linen and read new books.

Just a few days to go and Nala's 'dad' will be home.
No cuddles from her yet, just nuzzles!
A good kitty though, and I've enjoyed taking care
of her.
One day at a time.


  1. Dear Mary, a blog can be whatever the author feels it should be - if you want it to reflect only the sunny times of your life, then so be it. But if - like in your case - what appears on your blog is supposed to reflect ALL aspects of your life, not only the pleasant hours, but also those times when you do not feel at your best, then that is just as legitimate. I think it shows courage and caring when you share with us, your readers, how you feel even when it is less than upbeat and cheerful.

    Lovely pictures, as always! I love the allotment wallpaper. My Mum said the other day she never thought she would miss their allotment as much as she does; funnily enough, my Dad who used to go there almost every day for 10 years says he does not miss it at all anymore.

    1. Thank you Meike. Days just seem so different here and I'm probably over thinking a lot of things with so much time on my hands! We were so active as you know, traveling both domestically and overseas, enjoying all the scenic places the world has to offer. Bob is positive we'll do that again - he's really amazing for his age and is chomping at the bit to get going again. . . . . .I wish I had his energy and didn't worry so much! We do have plans for a Thanksgiving trip in Nov., hopefully that will work out and will enable us to see much-missed family and different scenery!

  2. How lovely to see hummingbirds, aren't they beautiful. I love the allotment wallpaper, infact I will store it in my memory banks for our next home, it's fabulous. I think all us bloggers are finding it hard to keep cheery and interesting, I am finding it hard to keep my blog going at the moment. My hubby doesn't read mine, maybe I should let him :)

    1. The wallpaper is one I could look at for hours - comes in other colors also.

  3. Well I am glad that you sometimes allow the veil to slip as it lets me know that I am not alone. If anyone has been incessantly cheery through these times of covid, perhaps she or he 🙂 isn't on the planet. (I hope that Bob is not reading.) Just what is Bob doing that provides him with such a calm disposition? Perhaps he'd be willing to share as that would be useful to know.

    1. Oh he's definitely on the planet Vee - just never really gets negative about things. His mind is so active and brilliant still, and he's such a chatterbox (the Irish in him!), engaging complete strangers in conversation........and they think he's awesome! He says he's grateful for each and every day and plans to always make the very best of all of them, especially now. He's one great, smart, honest and special man. . . . I am lucky. I'm grateful for every day also (as we're both cancer survivors how can we not be), but tend to over think things too much, especially now with more time stuck at home.
      Thanks for commenting dear Vee.

  4. I get pretty grumpy too sometimes so you are not alone. I cut all my hydrangea flowers off of one of my plants as they have faded. But they are still so pretty that I find it heart-wrenching to remove them.

    1. Are you drying your flower heads Loree? I just put mine in an inch of water and allow them to dry naturally. Some come through the process well, others shrivel, but I've already saved a couple of dozen for winter decor/display.

  5. We all go through periods of ups and downs and nothing wrong with sharing those feelings on your blog. It's hard to sound cheery when you're anything but!

    I made gazpacho a few days ago - fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, red pepper, garlic, lemon juice. Still have a little left. So good topped with fresh corn, red onion and avocado.

    The weather was cooler yesterday, so I finally baked. Made a healthy (GF, maple syrup instead of processed sugar) zucchini bread and a healthy fruit crisp. I had harvested the last of our rhubarb, had some blueberries in the fridge, and leftover peaches from our neighbor's peach trees that they graciously shared with us.


    1. Your kitchen sounds active this week Melanie. I was given a lot of tomatoes again yesterday so will be busy with them for a few days!

  6. Mary your photo of the rose is beautiful. It is easy to become negative during the Times we are living in rich now. Keep strong. Have a good end to your week.

    1. Many thanks Debbie - some days are just better than others aren't they. When a new rose blooms it's a great day!
      Hope your week is a fine one.

  7. What gorgeous photos, Mary. Love your Peace rose -- ours is still blooming and has lots of new buds right now. The photo of your gazpacho in that sizzling lime green bowl, oh my, I marvel that there are such vibrant colours for us to feast our eyes upon. You must find great delight in using it.

    Wishing you a beautiful rest of the week,
    Brenda xo

  8. Hi to your beautiful Peace rose from mine, which has one bud about to burst forth in the next day or two. Reading your blog is always an oasis of calm for me, and to read about your feelings relating to the pandemic is valuable to me too! The past six months have changed things so very much, it can become mentally exhausting. We too are separated from loved ones. How cute are those hummingbirds - I have only seen them once, and was absolutely fascinated. Elizabeth Debicki is a new name to me, despite being an Aussie, and I too look forward to seeing her in The Crown. The grabs on TV show her looking very like Diana. Wish you could send me some of your fragrant peaches :) Take care xxxx

  9. Love the view from your window.
    Looking forward to The Crown in the fall. Now I will be watching for this actress too.
    Love your Peace rose. How wonderful to have a husband so positive. You are most fortunate indeed.
    I haven't had a cucumber gazpacho, but it looks oh so good. I am planning to soon make a tomato gazpacho as our tomatoes are finally ripening. I think this year I also want to make some tomato jam.


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