Saturday, February 13, 2021

Bluebird Real Estate -


 This was a surprise yesterday!  

A male Eastern bluebird visiting a decorative bird box hanging on the front porch.
Our large family of bluebirds have been nesting in the larger bird house
 on a post in the garden for the past three years, and hopefully they'll
 continue to use it this spring. We truly enjoy the bluebirds year round here.

It's a very cold morning here with a little icy rain falling. 
34F now and high today only reaching 36F, brrrrr!
Many bluebirds seem to enjoy the porch on these chilly, wet days.
These damp bluebirds are sheltering on the hanging lanterns which
 have become a favorite spot . . . . . . and I do admit to scattering seed 
on the porch railing on the really cold or wet days!

Some interesting bluebird info I found online today:

It is quite common to see Bluebirds visit nest boxes during the winter
You may even see them carry some nest material into the box. 
This is not actual nesting behavior but more than likely a male showing
 off a good place to raise young to a female. It never hurts to get a head start.

Bluebirds will typically raise between 2 and 3 broods each year, and they
 will often re-use old nests. It could take a couple of seasons for them
 to start using your nestbox, but after that, bluebirds generally return
 to the same area each year.Bluebirds prefer their nests facing – in
 order of preference – east, north, south and west.

Enjoy the weekend.
Hope you see "bluebirds of happiness" in your garden.


  1. Darling Mary,

    What a majestic looking bird and how clever of you to capture its appearance in a photograph. And now we can all enjoy your bluebirds which seem so very exotic to us. Indeed, in Budapest, pigeons seem to make up 90% of the birds we see. So, thank you for this colourful treat.

    Stay war, dearest friend and continue taking care.

  2. I love the color of this bird’ i wish had some here!

  3. How splendid! I had (Western) bluebirds nesting in my birdhouse only one year. I rarely see them around, but once when my daughter was looking out the kitchen window she saw a big group at the fountain. That was a special moment.

  4. Dearest Mary,
    What a blessing for getting to see them the way you were able to!
    Thanks for capturing these spectacular pictures and sharing them with us.
    Let's wait till spring and see if they approved of your decorative bird house as well!

  5. I saw alot of bluebirds here on Friday. It was raining but they were all puffed up and hanging around my garden. I love watching these colorful little creatures! :)

  6. Hello Mary, I have learned a lot about bluebirds here! They sure are pretty.

  7. Oh your bluebirds are so gorgeous!
    I just love, love seeing them.


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