Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Parallel Lines - An Anniversary


Life doesn't always remain on the straight and narrow.
Curves are thrown.
Corners insist on making turns.
Lines spread wider, or narrower.  
Collisions occur.
Predictions don't always come true.
Life is not always how you want it.
Youth is precious.
Aging is not always fun.
There's no place like home.

Growing old takes courage. A lot of courage. Older adults can be overwhelmed by uncertainties.The future sometimes looks bleak. 'Live and let live' is not easy when all around seems to be falling apart and one feels that the end is perhaps nearer than once thought. It may be you, your spouse or partner, a family member, your best friend or neighbor. Eventually we each are faced with circumstances that we may feel unable to manage. We may struggle to adapt and move forward. We help in many different ways best we can. We don't lose hope. We encourage with words and deeds. We smile, laugh, pray.........and sometimes cry when nobody can see us. Life is so unpredictable. We don't plan to get old. We have to learn to adapt, to live one day at a time, and be grateful for kind family and friends. We do what we are still able to do no matter how insignificant those small things are, or how different they may be from what we were used to doing in those magical younger years.

The sun came up this morning and the first thing I noticed was its warmth and welcome in the upstairs hall. I took this photo, came down to my laptop, flipped open the cover, grabbed a cup of coffee and knew this was the day I would at last come back here.

Sadly, it's been far too long since I posted here but as my eighteenth year of blogging will arrive tomorrow I'm doing this quick post before this becomes another crazy day and the laptop remains closed down.

Bob's health issues continue. He completed the 2.5 months of chemo following major surgery, but the follow up scans show the cancer has reared its ugly head and spread. Following another surgery recently we are now awaiting a new treatment plan. We will continue to fight together in hopes we can beat this.......and continue aging happily and with gratitude for the years yet to come.

Please keep Bob in your thoughts and prayers.  Thank you dear friends and readers.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

A Different December -

Les Mois - Décembre
Eugène Samuel Grasset

Cold nights and mornings now.  
The Winter Solstice is today and it will be Christmas in
 a few days.  Where has the time gone?
This year has been impacted by Bob's ongoing health issues
 and he's not out of the woods yet.

Northern Mockingbird

Very little holiday decorating done this year due to time constraints.
Trying to get some baking started now. It will be a rather quiet time
 at Christmas.
Bob returns for another chemo infusion on Boxing Day - Dec. 26 
(usually my favorite day of the year!). As I said, it's definitely a very
 different Christmas this time around.

Sending best wishes to you and your families - have a joyful holiday.
I plan to come back here more frequently once Bob's treatment is 
completed. I've really missed everyone's news.

Happy Christmas to all.


Friday, November 15, 2024

November is flying by -

. . . . . . . .leaves are falling, nights are cooler, mornings often misty, 

and some  people are already putting up Christmas decorations.  

Not here though!

I really wasn't planning to write a post today so this may be brief. I was up early due to the downstairs smoke detector beeping - no fire thankfully but a dead battery. Why does this always happen at night - well early morning in this case? I was still snuggled in my recent change to cozy flannel sheets! As we didn't have an early appointment I thought I could have a little extra sleep/rest. Plans changed. We didn't have a replacement battery - dozens of other sizes but not the required one - so Bob left early for the nearby Target to pick up a pack of 9V.  We decided to also replace the battery in the upstairs detector as it would probably wake us up soon - you know, 'Murphy's Law' and all that!

I've treated myself to several new books recently. They all revolve around food and eating, holiday cooking, and international dishes. I love everything written by British food writer-author, Nigel Slater. I have other books by him and have been meaning to purchase 'Christmas Chronicles' for several years. Whilst pre-ordering his new book 'A Thousand Feasts' I added the other one and they showed up together - that was a wonderful day . . . . . . . now I just need time to read them, preferably curled up by the fire.

This book above was just published and is already a New York Times Best Seller! I had pre-ordered Betül's first ever book because I follow her truly amazing cooking videos on Instagram. Love her recipes and her story of growing up in Turkey. There are some great baking recipes.........and I need more time to try my hand at them. Everything she prepares is beautiful, and the way in which she cooks with older traditional utensils and cookware, wearing clothes from another era in her homeland, is something I've become addicted to and find extremely relaxing.

My Thanksgiving cactus is opening pink blooms and there are many. I've really been giving a lot of TLC to this plant all year. Carried it out to the front porch on warm, sunny days, shielded it from raging hot summer afternoons. Fed and watered, and then brought it in at night. These past 5-6 weeks I put it to bed it in the dark all night. The buds soon appeared at the tip of every leaf. Now they're rewarding me with lovely dangly flowers which hopefully will last a while.

The Cancer Center where Bob is receiving his chemotherapy is quite new. It's a very well designed building and the different waiting areas are laid out to make those of us who wait......and then wait some more, feel comfortable and cared for - just as they do for the patients. I recall our two rushed visits to the ER earlier this year. Just finding seat to wait those long waits until a hospital room was available was not easy. Having art to look at and enjoy wasn't part of the scene. . . . . . . . . watching people was often sad and upsetting. Life is all about health. Good health is the most important thing.

The wing where chemo infusions are given has a really pleasant waiting area with comfortable seating and some awesome art. Paintings are colorful and interesting, North Carolina makers and artisans have donated - or people have purchased their work and then donated it to the Cancer Center - really fun pieces.

I make sure Bob is comfortable in his space with his nurse, then move out to the waiting area so he can relax or take a nap! I actually think know he just chats about our travels all the time to the medical staff! Thankfully they seem to enjoy his company and stories. Their first question to me is always. . . . ."is it true you've been to Antarctica?"  

I take my knitting with me, sometimes a book and read a while. I admit I look at my phone too but my eyes often roam to this favorite item, a figurative clay piece by Lisa Joerling. I love it with the bird perched on her head so I aways sit where I can view it. Small, quiet, lovely things are important to get you through the difficult days.

Thanks for stopping by. I guess this wasn't brief after all!  I hope to be back here soon - I still need to do a least a little Christmas decorating to share in the coming weeks.