Monday, January 20, 2014

The loveliness................

........of woodland on a mild and sunny winter day.

No time to write more this morning.................with school out I have a busy schedule taking granddaughter Jasmin to appointments etc. and doing some cooking with her as she'd like to learn how to cook vegetarian, yippee!

Yesterday I walked a little in the afternoon. Not a lot to photograph at eye level but, looking upward, I loved the Carolina blue cloudless sky and touches of pine green among the bare branches.

More next time.....................


  1. It must be so refreshing to go out for a nice walk in the woods in just a pair of shoes or light boots. Enjoy your time with Jasmin.

  2. Your Carolina blue does resemble our BC blue. Such a glorious colour. Who couldn't love it? Hope your day is filled with goodness.

  3. Getting out for a walk during the long winter months is wonderful.
    Nothing like that fresh air to blow away the cobwebs!!
    Thinking of you enjoying such special time with Jasmin.
    Shane xox

  4. Wonderful point of view! Hope you had a lovely day!

  5. A beautiful walk in the woods.
    How I wish I could sit and have you teach me to cook vegetarian too.
    I am not good at vegetables. I keep picturing the white beans you cooked
    recently and even bought a can of beans, now must figure out what to do
    with them.
    Hope you had a wonderful adventure day with Jasmin.

  6. Gorgeous blue sky! I'm longing for a patch of blue. I know that one day soon I'll be looking through the blossoms at the blue sky - can't wait!

  7. Dear Mary, A lovely photograph to lift our spirits. Thank you, Gina

  8. Oh, I so miss my Carolina blue sky. Thank you for the beautiful image.


  9. Beautiful photo from your walk, Mary.
    A day in the kitchen with your granddaughter sounds lovely. I can't think of a nicer way for her to learn all about vegetarian cooking.

  10. It looks lovely, it makes so much difference when there's blue sky and sunshine. Both have been in short supply over here this winter!I

  11. Hi Mary...this made me smile.......a mild sunny winters day ! gosh what are those......its rained every day for the last couple of months here, snowing today .As for sunshine......maybe see that in March, buts its nice to drop by and share a bit of yours .Have a gorgeous time with your grand daughter.

  12. That is why the tarheels have the Carolina blue color! The sky is always lovely, except I am tired of looking at bare trees! Take Care!


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