Thursday, June 22, 2023

"Rain before seven, clear before eleven" ~~~~~~~~

Up at 6 AM today. It was quiet except for bird song, however it wasn't long before rain started. Darkness enveloped the house as rain became heavier, pounding on surfaces still damp from the heavy showers of yesterday. I wandered, coffee mug in hand, lighting candles rather than putting on lights. The forecast is for rain most of the day with possible thunderstorms this afternoon. THIS IS SUMMER? 
Hopefully it will improve soon. The cooler temperatures are pleasant. The greening up of the grass after turning crunchy and tan the past week is awesome. The neighbor's veggies are flourishing and I have no need to water them, Nature is doing a great job!

So, it did rain before seven and now at 8:30 AM it's still pelting down. 
Doubtful it will clear before eleven as the old saying goes. Best place to be
is at home watching somewhat bedraggled birds looking for shelter on
 the porch and under the fig tree . . . . and smiling as the green grass
 and tomatoes grow!


  1. At school we had rain hats but not umbrellas. So the chant was Rain Is Fine, But Not Before Nine (pm).

  2. We have had the occasional heavy downfalls of rain, but then the sun comes out. We still need to water things as the ground is very dry,

  3. It's me, Meike (blogger playing up again). We have had some rain, but nowhere near enough; our fields and especially the woods are really suffering. But how lovely when there finally IS some rain! I find it wonderful to lay in bed and hear the rain outside, knowing how it will refresh everything out there.

  4. We really have summer here in Sweden! Too hot! Too dry! No rain for weeks...the weather is really strange.
    Love from Titti

  5. I kind of like a summer rain occasionally. It freshens the garden and saves on the water bill.


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