Sunday, June 4, 2023

Still a thrill!

It's late Sunday afternoon and I'm writing this post in the gazebo. The day started overcast but the sun came out around 1 PM and it has been a perfect afternoon. I was able to take a lot of photos around the garden. The birdsong is beautiful, feeders are full so many are enjoying supper. 

Perhaps you are tired of seeing my hydrangeas! If you were here in person I would probably be boring when I insist on traipsing through the garden showing you the massive blooms - actually it's not a very large garden and we could cover it in less than 10 minutes, and then I'd offer you a cup of tea in the gazebo so you could sit and listen to the birds. If you really love flowers I'm sure you'd enjoy it at this special time of year. The daylilies are lovely now - just wish their gorgeous blooms would last longer, 'weeklilies' would be great after all the energy they put into flowering for such a brief moment in time, and making us sigh at the splendid colors shining from dawn to dusk.


My neighbor is leaving town again this week - taking Ms. Nala cat with him as he'll be gone quite a while. Instead of cat sitting - which I did all last week - I'm now garden sitting as he has given me authority over his vegetable patch! Instead of flowers I may just be checking in here with notes on tomatoes, cucumbers and radishes, all of which are already coming along nicely out there in the sunshine. It's just a hop over the low brick wall where I've planted sunflower seeds which the deer haven't discovered. . . . . . yet!  A healthy looking squash of some type has joined the group, things are getting quite exciting and visions of fresh tomatoes in my salads are making me happy. Cook books are being leafed through for new ideas for summer cold plates . . . . . . 

Wishing you a great week ahead. Thanks for stopping by, you are great friends and knowing we can still blog and stay in touch means a lot to me.


  1. Such beauty can never be boring, Mary! I‘d love to traipse round your garden with you, and before we would sit down in your gazebo, I would also hop over the low brick wall with you and help gathering some fresh produce from your absent neighbour‘s vegetable patch. What a wonderful image you have put in my mind on this Monday morning!

  2. Hi Maira Kamran Is here.. well I am new here, I am searching for fashion & food blogs.. I found yours, amazing & beautiful sharing, flowers looks beautiful.. thanks for sharing. :)

  3. Your garden always looks so fresh and colourful. Way ahead of my hydrangeas!

  4. Mary! If we had gorgeous blue hydrangeas like yours, we would never tire of seeing them! We have tried, God help us, to have them, and to no avail. They prefer a northern exposure, and acid soil. We had a tiny tinge of blue one year. We dug them all up (6 of them!) and gave them to our neighbor. No blue for her, but they love her yard and where they are planted, and bloom like crazy. Flowers and plants will be themselves, won't they?!

  5. Always a joy to visit your garden, Mary. Interesting that your hydrangeas are so far ahead of mine. Here they are just getting started. Garden sitting sounds like work with benefits. Have a great week.

  6. Don't apologize for flowers like that. I'd be showing them to everyone if I had some that gorgeous.

  7. I would never tire of seeing your beautiful hydrangeas. We won't have any hydrangeas for a few more weeks. How nice that Miss Nala gets an adventure and you get veggies from the garden. Have fun and enjoy! BTW I enjoy your blueberry muffin recipe and made it last weekend. It was so delicious to have with my tea in the garden the past few mornings.

  8. The blues of the hydrangeas seem like an excellent background. The lilies' pinks and yellows splash contrasting colours.

  9. I would never get tired of seeing your hydrangeas and/or having a yard tour! In fact, when I go to my friend's or relative's houses, we always walk around the yard so they can show me what's blooming or growing. And vice-versa. Being in the Midwest, my hydrangeas are not blooming yet. My peonies just finished up and clematis is still going strong.

  10. Your hydrangeas are always a welcome sight, Mary. Such magnificent blooms. I have several bushes here and they are just barely beginning to show some colour. The heads look smaller this year and I wonder why. Orange day lilies grow alongside one of my hydrangeas, but they are not ready to bloom yet, either.
    How lovely to enjoy the produce from your neighbour's garden. I hope you share some of your summer recipes with us.


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