Monday, December 18, 2023

It's small things that matter -

I hear the mail carrier laughing at the box at the end of our driveway as she hands Bob the mail. Her name is Vanessa and she is awesome, the best mail carrier we've ever had. She brought me a balloon on my 80th in October, and handed me a beautiful birthday card. Her family came from Trinidad and she grew up in New York City. Not only is she thoughtful in regard to delivering our mail, she is fun to chat with, always has a smile and giggles a lot.

Christmas is about so many things. We try to keep them light and bright. We might be feeling low but we do our best to be the life of the party. Sometimes this is hard. I feel I've lost my way in regard to my blog. You may have noticed how long it's taken me to get back here since my previous post. So much longer than it's ever been in almost 17 years. I haven't shared my Christmas decorations although I did decorate, or told you of the holiday concert which took me back to when my granddaughter sang in that choir. Hearing young voices in a church setting was beautiful and lifted my spirits for a couple of hours. This week I will be in the kitchen baking and making a few of the important holiday snacks and sweets for a small Christmas Eve get together.  

I'm still fighting whatever this latest 'long life' respiratory infection is. All I know is that it's thrown us for a loop since we came home from Arizona at Thanksgiving. . . . . . and Christmas preparations have truly been an effort, especially last week. Bob is doing better whereas I'm still feverish and just keep coughing.

No more for now. Will I be back here in the New Year? I'm planning on it.  
Happy Christmas to each of you, your families and loved ones, and may the coming year be a good one for everyone.


  1. Hi Mary!
    I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been under the weather. I hope that you feel better very soon and manage to enjoy Christmas.

    I’ve been a bad blogger too, in so much as I haven’t had the time to go blog hopping! I can just about manage to keep on top of my own blog, which is all I’m doing right now what with Christmas and all that it involves! My son and family have moved house and so life’s been hectic with helping them!

    We wish you and Bob a very happy seems ages since we met!

    Take care. Sending you much love. Sal 😁🌲🎅🌲🎅🌲🎅

    1. Was just enjoying time catching up on your beautiful Christmas blog posts Sal - lovely way to spend early Sat. morning! Thanks for sharing so much beauty around your home.
      Feeling somewhat better and just trying to get everything pulled together for the holiday - will be raising a glass to you and T on Christmas Eve.

  2. Mary, my Christmas wish is for you to be all well. It's no fun being sick, especially during the holidays. God bless and Merry Christmas

  3. I am so sorry to hear you've been sick for so long. I've heard there are a lot of respiratory illnesses going around lately. One of my best friends recently was just sick for three weeks, hacking and stuffed up the entire time. I hope you are feeling better to enjoy your Christmas holiday. Get lots of rest and drink plenty of water and hot tea! xoxo

  4. Hearing your granddaughter sing in the choir must have given you the greatest pleasure.

  5. Dearest Mary,
    Just stay home and enjoy the cozy environment that you are so well able to create.
    Eating well and RESTING a lot to restore your energy.
    Both of us went to Händel's Messiah on Sunday at the Church where I usually sang in the choir. This was the first time since 2017 without me. Lovely soloists and great philharmonic orchestra musicians aside from the core choir.
    It was raining bad but I made it with my wheelchair/walker, dried its seat off with paper towels from the lady's room before sitting in it.
    Wishing you and Bob a Merry Christmas and a Happy start for 2024.
    Time is going way too fast...

  6. Happy Christmas to you and Bob! May you both be well soon and enjoying the season of the holidays.

  7. Oh no! I always forget to sign my name, Marilyn M.

  8. You're still doing all those "Christmassy" things in spite of not being well - maybe that's why it is taking you so long to recover. A couple of days of strict bed rest might just do the trick, you know! (Here I am, sounding like my mother!)

    Your mail carrier sounds lovely. My Mum still receives a Christmas card every year from her former paper "boy". The man has been moved by the local newspaper company to a different part of town for his paper route, but for many years, he would encounter my Dad downstairs, two fellow early risers, exchanging a friendly greeting and a little chat or (my Dad) cracking a silly joke. When he learned of my Dad's passing last year, he even sent my Mum a condolence letter, handwritten, very touching.
    There are such precious people around, more than we often think, I guess. Angels in disguise!

  9. Oh this respiratory thing! I feel like it's a version of RSV/Covid, even though many who have it test negative. I just got over it and it surely took the wind out of my sails. I had that, while the Hubs had Covid. It's been a rough month. I was told over and over that taking care of ourselves and not pushing was critical to getting through this thing. Lots and lots of hot tea, a humidifier running 24 x 7, rest and then getting up and moving around seemed to do the trick. Be well! Happy holidays to you and yours.

  10. Dear Mary, Wishing you and Bob a peaceful, joyous Holiday! Loved reading about your mail carrier, we have a great guy who gets homemade cookies every Christmas! I have not been 'the same' since Covid in early October. Hoping things continue to improve for all of us as the months continue.

  11. Dear Mary,
    Tim and I wish you and Bob a wonderful Christmas, be it quiet or jolly. How lovely to have a mail carrier whom you know. Ours seem to change regularly. Covid and other infections seem to be rampant this fall, and I am happy we've escaped thus far. Do take good care of yourselves. You've been busy working in your garden and your home. Hopefully there are some quiet and peaceful days ahead.
    I do look forward to reading your blog in the new year. Merry, merry Christmas!

  12. It is so good to see a post from you, Mary. I was a bit worried when it was quiet here for so long as you have been such a loyal blogger, always coming up with interesting things to share. I can certainly see how after nearly 17 years, that becomes more challenging. So sorry to hear that you have been sick. I hope you will be feeling all better in time to enjoy your holiday celebrations. Merry Christmas to you and Bob.

  13. Oh Mary .... I was SO pleased to see your post .... I was getting rather worried and was about to email you . .... and, I'm so sorry to hear you are both under the weather. I hope this comment finds you both on the road to recovery and that you can enjoy the Christmas festivities. I have been very neglectful of my blog as well but hope to do better in 2024. Wishing you and yours the merriest of Christmases and for many happy times in the New Year. Sending all my love to you both. XXXX

  14. Dearest Mary, I am so sorry to read about your respiratory infection, and hope things improve soon. I have had a similar experience, and could not blog for weeks, but as I am now on the mend, I finally found I could do another post. The concert sounds absolutely beautiful, and lovely to know that you were able to attend. Your beautiful card arrived today, a delightful surprise. Thank you so very much for thinking of me, and I wish you and Bob a Blessed and Joyful Christmas and a Healthy and Happy New Year. With love, P. xxxx

  15. Lovely post but I´, so sorry to hear you have been sick. Take care now and I send you a big hug and best wishes for a MERRY CHRISTMAS!
    Love from Titti

  16. Dearest Mary, I'm so sorry to hear you and your darling Bob have been poorly for such a long time, but heartened to read you are feeling a bit better. Blog neglect is never a crime in my book, else I'd be in a total tizz about the tumbleweeds on my own :) I expect your home looks beautiful and the treats you've prepared are divine and you're all set for a lovely Christmas, so I wish you a very Merry Christmas and hope you have a wonderful New Year. Much love from me. xx

  17. Dear Mary, Please don't worry. There will come the time when you are ready to come back and again post about your wonderful life and share with us your lovely photographs. Thank you for taking the time to wish me well on my Birthday. Wishing you and Bob health and happiness for 2024.


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