Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Scribble Picnic. . . . . . . . . New Year 2018

Hoping your holidays have been special. . . . . . . . .and now you're ready to
 start a new year full of good intentions.  Well you are aren't you?
I know it's hard. We make - or often don't make - those 'New Year Resolutions'
hoping this might be the year we really stick to them.
Not sure if I'll be able to stick to mine - I've made a couple and am keeping them
 to myself for the time being.

Michael will hopefully keep the Scribble Picnic going. Perhaps more of
you who like to get a little creative - and we are all artists in some way
 or another - will join our interesting group. We'd truly love to see you.
Come visit us HERE

So again, from my heart I wish you each and every one, a peaceful, healthy, 
happy and prosperous New Year.


  1. I love that, Mary - your words here and the rendering. Perfect. Isn't it great how we are offered a clean slate, as it were each year?! I don't think it's healthy to focus on the past, especially perceived ills, as it gets us nowhere. My intention remains to focus on whatever is good, right, and noble--that lifts people up and unites, not divides. We all can do our little bit and these picnics is a great place to start. Speaking of which, I need these creative outlets, to keep me sharp, so there's no intention of ending it or changing things any time soon...even though each week I rather panic that I won;t find time or inspiration enough to do it but surprise myself with my quick thinking cap on. :)

    Thank you for this lovely post.

  2. Yes, a new slate a new year. I've been trying to take it back a step and remember that every day is a new day too. Hard to live in the moment with our lives have so many twists and turns, but it's wonderful to wake up and say...A brand new day ~ untouched my human hands...what will I do with it today. Make it count. I guess that's my daily resolution. Happy New Year...and will be looking forward to what you paint on your new clip board. Nice.

    1. I like your New Year resolution, Wanda, and appreciate that reminder about each day being new too That is so easy to forget.

  3. I agree with what Michael said. Wishing you a sparkly and bright new year.

  4. Oh I wish I had a clean slate ... I am struggling with a big move this coming spring and have been working on getting rid of stuff all last year and believe it or not am still trying. You would be amazed at what one can accumulate over a 54 year marriage. But your uplifting thoughts and hopes are inspiring and I do hope that all you wish for us befalls on you as well.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Andrea, sorry you have so much to do there but believe me, you will feel so much lighter once decluttered. Alex's mother has been sorting through 50 years of clutter (hording in fact) accumulated by her husband's deceased wife who died a year ago. They jsut got married and he is in awe how much cleaner and bigger everything seems now. :)

  5. You're right Mary - we should all start with a clean slate. I like the way you went with this. Not much for keeping resolutions myself and now I'm trying to decide what "challenges" I want to take part in. But in the long run, it's probably better to go with the flow and try to grow! (Just not around the waist anymore!) Happy Wonderful New Year to you!

  6. Hi Mary :) Yes! A Clean Slate!!! I thought of the same idea :)) Great minds right? :) I don't really make resolutions anymore, due to complete and utter FAILURE lol...but I have a few ideas and attitudes for the new year that I will try to remember and put into my daily life. I think 2018 will be fabulous!! :)

  7. This is a wonderful take on the theme Mary! Happy New Year!

  8. Dear Mary, btw, you simply MUST check out the latest blog post on our next theme: "favourite fiction character." You are going to LOVE it. Be sure to check out the video feeds too. :) I'm expecting YOU, you of many wonderful words, to write up something stellar. No presure though. :)


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