Saturday, January 22, 2022

Snow Day means birds!

Yes, we have real snow this morning. Enough on the ground
to make tracks, attract wildlife looking for food and water, and
take photos of beautiful birds doing what birds do on a cold 
snowy morning.
I was up ready with my camera right after sunrise
Snow around here means birds. 
A lot of birds!
We prepared the feeding stations yesterday afternoon as it did
seem certain snow would fall last night.

Here's a list of the birds I've seen today. Male and female
 of most species, some the same color others total different, but
certainly an amazing array of colors and sizes, each enjoying their
choice of feeding, on the ground, on the seed and suet feeders, and
on the porch floor and porch rails outside the dining room window.

Red-bellied Woodpecker
Black-capped Chickadee
Eastern Bluebird
 Northern Cardinal
Tufted Titmouse
Eastern Towhee
Carolina Wren 
Blue Jay
Mourning Dove
House Finch
Dark-eyed Junco
American Robin
White-breasted Nuthatch
Brown-headed Cowbird
Song Sparrow
House Sparrow
Pine Siskin


No, not a bird, but he's a really good vacuum cleaner after
they've eaten!

I took an awful lot of photos today, so many in fact I had a real problem 
with iCloud loading them on my laptop - some were from my iPhone, most 
from my camera which may have slowed the transfer down.
Anyway, here's a later than planned post with some of the birds who
 visited today - even if you're not really a huge bird lover, I think you might
 enjoy seeing them on a perfect winter's day.


  1. you have a lovely variety of birds visiting your garden - I put bread out but after two days it was still there so I had to remove, unfortunately, despite living next to a woodland crammed with wildlife, the huge population here of domestic cats do spoil the birdwatching opporunity - my own cat is fairly useless and afraid of anything large that moves, but next doors cat manages a killing almost daily so I have decided putting out food is the worst thing I could do for the birds! I could drop food in the woods instead where they can find it undisturbed. The white chested nuthatch in your picture is wonderful, I haven't seen one before.

  2. Beautiful pictures of beautiful birds on a beautiful day, dear Mary!

    1. Thanks dear. They really were colorful in the snow.

  3. It's easy to see how you spent your day! I loved seeing all the different that frequent your feeders. The only one on your list that I might see is the House Sparrow.

    1. Loads of sparrows! Glad you like seeing my birds John. They often provide the happiest moments in the day, and even though they cost a small fortune to feed, are so worth it.

  4. Your garden resembles a colourful aviary Mary. What a special treat for the eye and how beautifully you have captured them.
    Yesterday we had a small gathering of young deer in the garden, five in all, munching away on our hedges.

    1. Thanks Rosemary - the birds certainly came in droves that day - and actually are still around as we've filled the feeders again. Your poor hedges - but deer in the garden are really a delight - ours came in the night so don't actually what they nibbled on, probably the suet feeders.

  5. Oh, how wonderful, and what an amazing number of different birds came to your garden. Is there something about snow which makes them come out? Your photos are beautiful, and especially I like the little blue birds gathered together, and the woodpecker, so striking. Cheers to the little squirrel too. xox

    1. Trish, I think it just hunger and hard to find food under the snow. We've been blessed with so many beautiful feathered friends. Noted though there have been fewer male cardinals, but the mommas are busy in the bushes.

  6. What a collection of birds! We are getting a few more now, and this morning had a pheasant strolling round the garden!

    1. Oh lucky you with a strolling pheasant - we definitely don't have any of those!!!!

  7. Dearest Mary,
    That is heavenly to view your bird photos.
    Our feeders are also very busy and especially the suet blocks get frequented by all. The Carolina Wrens often vacuum clean below, where little spills fall. Nothing goes lost in nature...
    Thanks for taking the time and effort to capture your beauties!

    PS we had frost too, no snow but tonight it will freeze -5℃

  8. What wonderful photos Mary! You certainly saw a huge variety of birds. The first snow is always fun.

    1. Yes fun when it doesn't bring life to a halt for more than a couple of days! Enough for me, don't hope for anymore this season.

  9. You certainly have a lot of variety coming to your feeders! We have snow but I don't have feeders out so I haven't seen many birds. The squirrels used to eat up any feed I put out so I stopped.
    You've done a wonderful job with the photos. Thanks!

    1. Yes the squirrels are so naughty - but we still love watching their antics. They definitely are smart little devils - cute too!
      Glad you like my photos of the birds - some don't stand still for long and my arms were aching from holding the camera! Worth it though.

  10. All I can say is WOW! Your photos and that list are amazing.
    What an amazing sight to see them in snow there in your part of the world too.
    Thanks for sharing the beauty of your nature shots.

    1. Marilyn it was a near perfect snow - not too much and not too wet. Just enough to get nice bird pix. We stayed in and let it just melt around us - all Bob did was clean off the cars but will still haven't been anywhere.

  11. Dear Mary,
    What a simply wonderful variety of birds visited your garden! Wow! Your photos are great and I love seeing them all. Fresh snow is so beautiful. That vacuum cleaner at the end made me smile!

    1. The squirrels have not been too bad for a change, really only two seem to be coming by lately. My neighbor saw one clambering up a tall tree with a mouthful of leaves so I'm betting they're building nests ready for spring families!
      Happy you like my birdies x

  12. I am a bird lover, dear Mary, though the variety here in Bavaria is much smaller. And snow we do have.
    I am so thankful for your very, very beautiful photos - the morning starts so well if you can look at something beautiful - and that you show here in a very special way!

    1. Happy you enjoyed seeing the birds here Britta - we do have a wonderful collection and so many brightly colored ones. Now we've had that one snowfall I'm happy - enough is enough!

  13. I am a bird lover, too, Mary and I'm frankly astonished at the number of birds you clocked on one day! Beautifully photographed, as ever, and they obligingly pose for you like the little avian models they are. I guess you're photographing them through your windows? Which are very clean, by the way :)

    1. You're quite right Pip - through the windows which actually could use a wash but am waiting until warmer weather in spring! Glad you like my feathered friends.

  14. Dear Mary,
    You are such a gifted and excellent photograher. I don't know why you don't publish a little Book of Birds.

    1. So sweet to say that Gina - I have many books 'in my head' but have yet to get moving on doing something with them!!!!

  15. Always enjoy your excellent bird photos, Mary. They are especially pretty with the snowy background. It is rare for us to see blue jays. We have been enjoying constant blue birds and cardinals. Their bright colors add such joy to the day.

    1. Yes Kim, we are amazed at how many bluebird are coming to the feeders lately - they are so pretty but I notice they are feisty and will knock other birds off the feeders! We see lots of blue jays in warmer weather but this one has been hanging about on its own for a while.
      Stay warm and happy.


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