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It's Saturday morning here and the living is easy! Only because it's too chilly to go out and be somewhere. Who needs to be somewhere else when home has everything required for warmth, comfort, wellbeing, happiness . . . . . .and freshly made coffee on the kitchen counter.
I watch the neighbors across from us. They are fairly new and renting the house while their own is being demolished and a new one built. . . . . . . something going on all around the neighborhood. They have school age children who are involved in what seems like everything sport-related. By 10 AM they've been transported with their backpacks, gym bags and soccer balls, via two cars, to who knows where venues. Earlier the parents have picked up coffee by car from somewhere nearby. Do all young people buy readymade coffees and bring them home? Who then is purchasing all those fancy coffee machines we see advertised?
Other neighbors without children but very 'sporty' - think tennis, soccer, gym - have also been back and forth in two cars. Meanwhile, we've read the paper, checked our phones, watched a little TV news, filled the bird feeders, taken photos of the many songbirds drinking from the bird baths, eaten our healthy breakfasts. . . . . . . and enjoyed enormous mugs of freshly brewed coffee a few steps away in the kitchen!
What I guess I'm thinking here is really this. . . . . . . . . perhaps we're getting old and becoming nosy peeping neighbors, despite not having lace curtains at the windows!
Here's to your weekend whether you're out and about or, like us, just taking it easy at home. Just enjoy.
Dearest Mary,
ReplyDeleteYour Camellias have had a terrible burn from the frost as they mostly browned... Such a sad sight!
Our hyacinths from Trader Joe's are in their end stage already but yeah, two weeks old on Monday. Enjoyed their fragrance and the pure white!
Our white Camellia or Chinese Rose is blooming now and we can see it from the bay window and veranda windows.
Pieter is filling the last fiberglass window box at the bay window with yellow pansies. The ones in the veranda window box are doing very well already and its a joy to look at. But due to our Renewal by Andersen, everything had to be removed prior to installment so those had to wait.
There are numerous buds on the Japanese Magnolias and in two weeks they might start blooming. LOVE that stage as spring really starts.
Right now things look rather dreary.
Coffee is out for me as it contains too much potassium and my kidneys no longer can handle that. But Pieter sure drinks his mugs full of it! He's not supposed to have that much as it dehydrates... but he's way too addicted to it.
Yesterday I'd dropped Pieter off at the Country Club as they had a very interesting presentation about the Savannah Harbor, the nation's 2nd largest after New York! Impressive what they have accomplished the last decade. Both of us had a tour at by the GPA, Georgia Port Authority on March 29, 2019 and were quite impressed. They said that now it even looked better.
Time is passing fast—too fast for keeping up with everything...
Yes, as I said, not all is "pretty " in the garden but each has it's own touch of beauty deep down. Those dead blooms have fallen off now - new ones opening on the other camellia we have. You are definitely warmer than us. I will get some pansies soon - one of my old fashioned flower faves.
DeleteTell Pieter "cheers" as he swigs his coffee. We've tried to cut back a bit and really only drink it in the morning.
Agree about time passing fast - this year already nearing the end of month #1! We hope to travel a bit more this year - already booked for a return to England later, God willing!!!!
Hugs to you too dear. Stay well.
Will tell Pieter as it is almost coffee/tea time before he will take his nap! Since you have plenty of time to observe your young neighbors—swing by our blog and 'chat'..😏
DeleteRemember now Mariette - my laptop is perched here on the dining room table so when working here I can't but help see everything going on in the cul-de-sac - these big windows look out to the front porch, driveway, garden etc. For a supposedly quiet street, here at the very end it's a busy turnaround! That's my excuse for seeing all the neighbor activity. I won't even get into the pickup trucks, delivery trucks, service trucks etc. haha!!!!!
DeleteJust know we are the 'hotspot' of the city - where new homes have reached $5 million and penthouse apartments now rent for $14,400 per month! I would really like to move to the quiet of the country!
I'll stop by later - off to prep vegs for the supper tonight - to heck with what's going on outside the windows!!!
My days of running everywhere are over. My husband still likes to go, go, go but he also goes to work every day while I am home. I'm lucky to live in a neighborhood where I can walk easily to many places to get groceries and all sorts of other things one might need. Unfortunately, my car does need to be driven from time to time -- our mechanic says at least once a week. During the 2 years of the pandemic, I barely drove it and the tires went bad. Whoops! Doesn't make much sense to me that people spend so much money on grand houses and yet spend so little time in them.
DeleteFrom Helen in Bend Oregon … What a delightful post! From beginning to end. My son and I are quite serious about relocating to NC. The Triad area, Chapel Hill, Cary, Raleigh. Will you please tell me the best parts of living in Raleigh?
ReplyDeleteHelen, Raleigh is a very, very busy, growing city. We moved here in 1977 when it was so different and I have to admit I liked it better back then. . . . . although the State capital, it was still a quiet Southern town then. The summer heat/humidity took some getting used to after living in New England, the winter weather is usually mild. The mountains are about a 4.5 hr. drive west, the lovely coastline 2 hrs. east.
DeleteI thought your son already lived in this area? If you need more specifics you can always email me - address is in my profile.
Hugs - Mary
I remember the days of constantly running around with kids...soccer, Cub Scouts, friend's houses, school events, church and Sunday School...but I certainly wasn't picking up coffee to bring home! I don't get that...why don't these people just make the coffee at home and put it in those thermal to-go mugs?! Unless it's their Sat morning indulgence, who knows.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your weekend!
Lovely sepia tones in your garden, dear Mary. I would happily frame all of them! Sometimes we remember those days with children, early rising to drop them to sports, band practice, music lessons, and on it went. Good thing we were young at the time. We do watch what everyone does in their gardens around us - there is always something happening, hedges trimmed, Summer mowing, tree lopping. On Thursday we will have an Australia Day barbeque party in the street, always great to catch everybody's news. xx
ReplyDeleteSitting beside a window while reading or on my computer, I love looking up to see what's happening in our neighbourhood. Several families with young children have moved here in the last few years and the children all gather to play together often in our cul-de-sac. It's good to see.
ReplyDeleteToday was grey and chilly but I spent it indoors helping one of our daughters and her family get their house ready for re-sale. They just purchased a new one closer to Cristal's work and Sadie's school, and now need to sell their old one. I cleaned blinds and windows and painted trim for the day. The guys washed windows outdoors and removed moss from the driveway. It was fun to all be together helping out.
Dear Mary, I think that being curious keeps us young! To watch how other people live is interesting, and I love the little sketches you tell about them.
ReplyDeleteWe have hard frost here too, and snow. Your camellias are looking sad - let's hope there are some buds strong enough to break open and unhurt when the the sun comes back.
Your neighbours sound like the kind of people I never want to be - two cars? Making probably every single journey by car, no matter how short (and at the same time being sporty)? Getting takeaway coffee in single-use cups?
ReplyDeleteIt‘s exactly that lifestyle, lead by many and coveted by even more, that has brought our planet to the brink of desaster (and beyond).
I much prefer your way of spending the day, Mary!
Dear Mary - I enjoyed reading your summing up of the situation today which must strike a cord with many of us.
ReplyDeleteOur families have now grown up, and the world bares no resemblance to the one that we recall. How did I find time to raise my family of boys especally with J travelling around the world, sometimes away for more than a month at a time - no emails or text to keep us in touch. Now it takes me all of my time thinking about what food shall I buy and what should I cook for a change? I need to sort the house out and give it a good lick and polish, so it's time to pull my socks up and address the situation.
Incidentally I do make my own coffee, not in a fancy machine, but in a cafetière. However, I regularly pick up a carryout caffè latte when shopping in in Waitrose. Why, when they are ridiculously expensive? Well, I have a Waitrose members card which entitles me to a FREE coffee everytime I shop there and I cannot resist a freebie. Love to you and Bob - take it easy and enjoy💗
My husband and I love staying at home and avoiding the crowds. Having some good books to read always helps. Winter is a time to reflect and take things slowly. It's one of the reasons I love it so much.
ReplyDeletebTW, I don't think you're most at all.
I quite enjoyed this description of a weekend day at your house and in your neighborhood. I see your observations of the neighbors as people watching more than being a nosy neighbor. I must admit to thinking the same thing regarding going out to purchase the morning coffee. I don't get it. Perhaps it is yet another generational difference. Your weekend tulips are lovely.
ReplyDeleteThat is funny, Mary! I have wondered that about those that drive to pick up their coffee. I have been tempted once or twice to drive to the local Starbucks and bring home a chai, but I would have to go in my pjs and robe. I like staying comfie most mornings for awhile and would rather have my warm cup of tea in my cozy robe. Now I am smiling! I always love, love the textures of your photographs. Lovely!