Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Blooming in my garden this week -

Rose Mallow

 First bloom just opened after Sunday's heavy rain.
Growing in a large pot, it returns each summer.

"Rose mallow is a plant that goes by several names -- swamp mallow, 
crimson-eyed mallow or perennial hibiscus. The funnel-shaped blooms
 of the 6-to-10-foot shrub are often rose pink or white with a red center, 
and it thrives in moist, even wet, soil. 
Rose mallow is perennial in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant
 hardiness zones 5 through 10. No matter what you choose to call it, 
annual pruning keeps it healthy and attractive."

Shasta Daisy 

Dahlias and fading hydrangeas

Last of the lovely Daylilies

Regular size sunflower with busy bees

The Russian Mammoth sunflowers are not open yet. . . . . . .but soon 
I'm hoping they will wow us!


  1. I had Hibiscus in France where it flowered profusely. I didnt know it was also called Mallow.

    1. They do well here in the heat, and this little 'tree' in a big pot of ivy comes back every summer after I cut it back in winter!

  2. Lovely flower pics, especially that lingering lily. The Russian Mammoth certainly moves slowly - what else would you expect?

    1. Great comment John! I think from now on I will just call them 'Mammoths' - and recall my visits to stunning St. Petersburg, Moscow and Kamchatka as the best memories of a country we sadly can no longer visit and enjoy.

  3. I'm already wowed by the gorgeous flowers you've photographed so beautifully. I've had many hibiscus bushes over the years but they never survive the summer heat. Even my plumeria that usually bloomed every April died last year, but that's because my husband was in charge of watering while I was away for a month -- there were several casualties. That sunflower photo is absolutely gorgeous.

    1. Sad you lost your plant - many of mine are struggling and I'm actually off right now to drag the hose around and water everything as it's going to be very hot again today and tomorrow - and no rain expected!

  4. Your exquisite displays of flowers keep on arriving as the season passes - sadly no sunflowers for me this year. Something arrived during the dark hours and nibbled all of their stems in half, so sadly they have all fallen down, never to stand again. I shall just enjoy yours instead dear friend🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻

    1. Do you think your sunflowers were damaged by deer Rosemary? Can't remember if you have them passing through your lovely garden. Some years they have damaged ours while just small but this year no sign of them lately, perhaps because the fox family is living in the garden! I have to say, if you can grow the "Mammoth" seeds it's doubtful anything could gnaw through those stems - they are like small trees and as tough as old boots! Quite amazing. Off to water them now, so hot again, 92F and no rain expected soon!
      Mary x

  5. It's a wonderful time of year for flowers - provided there is enough water, which at the moment we really don't have here. Still, our gardens do what they can, but they are visibly struggling.
    There is one garden I walk past nearly every day and which is my favourite in late summer - no other has such beautiful chrysanthemums and dahlias. One day I walked past and saw the man working in his garden. I stopped and complimented him on it, telling him how much joy it gave me each time I walked this way. He did not say much, but his smile lit up his whole face, and he cut some flowers and handed them over the fence for me!

  6. The bees are really busy in that huge sunflower.

  7. Dear Mary, you have so beautiful plants!
    I will return to bogland after my holidays. Till then: my best wishes, and enjoy your garden! Britta

  8. So many lovely and beautiful flowers in your garden! Sunflowers are my favourite :)
    Love from Titti

  9. You are a bit ahead of us. I always forget about mallow. We do have some in the garden, but not where I usually check. Now I must go look. Our hydrangeas are at their height right now.Always love your sunflowers, they just make me smile.

  10. O I love to see the sunflowers! They are so beautiful.


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