Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Home grown -------


My next door neighbor is sharing his harvest with me,
meaning I'm not buying many tomatoes from the store or market 
right now.
In return I water and give some TLC to the plants when he is out
of town during the growing season. We've done this several years
in succession and it works well for both of us. Of course I also kitty
sit for him too so don't feel guilty picking his tomatoes. . . . or having
 him pop over with a handful of just picked ones around supper time.

My first thought always is what to do with so many tomatoes all at once.
As they pile up in bowls ripening on the kitchen island I get nervous, so
 out come baking dishes, saucepans, salad bowls and such. . . . . . . and
I get to work 'doing something' with them! 
 After all that TLC in the past few months I feel I must continue to be kind
 to each tomato now grown into such a beautiful fruit in spite of wind, rain, 
burning sun, munching deer, pecking birds. . . . . and an aging gardener
 in a floppy sunhat stopping to water and talk to them, encourage them, and 
bring them along from little yellow flowers to brilliant shades of orange, 
red and gold tasty fruits.

Tuscan Panzanella Salad -

- and, as I recently made Focaccia bread and have leftovers in the
 freezer, I'm going to try using it in what is a favorite Italian tomato salad 
for a very hot summer day.

"Buon Appettito"

Home baked Focaccia Bread

"It's difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating
a homegrown tomato."

Hope you are growing tomatoes, or someone is sharing
a harvest with you. Photos of my tomato dishes prepared
and enjoyed in past summer seasons.


  1. Homegrown tomatoes are the very best! What wonderful dishes you concoct with them, Mary. They all look so delicious. Panzanella is such a treat, especially made with homemade bread.

    1. The salad was really good with my homemade Focaccia - I'd frozen it and it was still perfect after defrosting. Some I've saved for croutons which they say should be awesome too - guess it's the density, and it doesn't crumble like soft bread!
      Sorry you got rained on while visiting the parliament in Ottawa - knowing you and Tim though I'm sure it didn't stop you from enjoying it all! Have fun on this eastern trip.

  2. Tomatoes are summer sun made edible!
    Why would you feel guilty about accepting tomatoes from your neighbour (or picking them yourselves) when he freely and willingly shares them with you? And you are looking after Nala for him, too.

    1. No more Nala sitting from hereon - neighbor is moving! Will be renting his house to his daughter - perhaps he'll teach her how to plant a garden next year and I'll still be offered some delicious fresh tomatoes etc!!!

  3. I picked my first tomatoes yesterday! It's so different to take a nibble from a warm tomato that has been home grown.

    1. So glad you are growing some - enjoy dear.

  4. Wow! All those tomatoes! I love tomatoes and there’s nothing as good as a home grown tomato! So flavoursome!

    1. They are so different from the store bought ones! Luckily Farmers' Markets here have good ones too in summer - whereas winter is a wasteland when you try to find a luscious tomato!!!!

  5. The dishes that you made were stunning, and the photos belong in a magazine or a cookbook! There is absolutely nothing in this world better than a home-grown tomato. Nothing. Summer breakfasts at my Grandmother's home in Mt. Airy, always included a large plate of chunky-sliced, room temperature (the only way to properly store them!) home-grown tomatoes, that we put on her home-made giant biscuits. I can taste them now! Here in Illinois, tomatoes are just getting ready to be ripe - and I can't wait for the abundance! We don't grow them, but friends and neighbors do, and soon they will be knocking on our door with armloads! Yay!

    1. Thanks Karla. Yes, never put fresh tomatoes in the 'fridge - ruins them! Hope your friends bring you plenty soon. Mt. Airy is not too far from here - I just know your Grandmother must have made wonderful Southern biscuits - for the non-Americans reading this, 'biscuits' are more like plain scones and usually served with breakfast eggs, cheese, sausage and other savory fillings. I always make mine with buttermilk so they rise high and taste good!

  6. Your tomato dishes are making my mouth water! Tomatoes are not ready here in Illinois yet, but our local farmstands have ones from Kentucky. I'll be picking those up this weekend until my own are ripe. In the one dish with the block of feta in the middle, is that the "famous" one from Tik Tok that everyone had been talking about? If so, how did you like it?

    1. Oh yes, I do this often for a very quick and simple meal. It all melts together quickly in the oven and can be served over a pasta or rice base, or just with good grilled/toasted bread.

  7. Oh yummmm! We are beginning to get tomatoes from our garden. They are so good. We only have two plants; so I may buy more if we go to a farm stand. Someone suggested roasting them with garlic then freezing them to use during the winter. I love that idea, especially with pasta. All your food pictures are making me hungry.

    1. Marilyn, often over the years I've roasted them and frozen in zip bags to use for sauce, soups etc. over the winter months.

  8. Dearest Mary,
    Daddy grew acres of tomatoes in the greenhouses and I've picked tons of them and snacked on the little ones hanging below... We did not know then that those cherry tomatoes would become so popular half a century later... Love their smell also, that of ALL tomatoes.

    PS Did you EVER read my June 23 email...?

    1. I was never able to read what appeared in that email dear - said it was too large to open!
      Yes, the cherry tomatoes are so good and I am being bombarded with them right now.
      Hope you'll post your latest news on the your blog soon and we'll know you're doing a lot better hopefully.
      Take care - sending big, gentle hugs oxoxoxox

    2. Did resend my mail from June 23... hoping you will finally read it! It for sure was not too large...😳

  9. It's wonderful to be in agreement with the neighbor :-))) I have it with my neighbor with rhubarb - he has the plants and I prepare them - I can cut whenever I want... and I invite to coffee and cake... and I make jam.
    Your tomato dishes are wonderful... unfortunately I only have one plant in a pot and I buy more tomatoes from the gardener... you are absolutely right, homegrown is the best there is... Hugs to you.
    Happy fresh from the bush!!! and when cooking with these wonderful vegetables. Joy. Viola

    1. Hi Viola - thanks for stopping by. I love rhubarb but don't know anyone who grows it here. Now and again I buy some from the grocery store and make a strawberry-rhubarb pie or crumble, delicious!
      More tomatoes arrived last evening - will be eating over this weekend, they are soooo good!


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