Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Wellbeing - Fennel and Sunflowers. . . . . . .

via - UK Country Living

I've noticed lately that there are many more articles being published in reading materials such as magazines, newspapers, books etc., and of course online, regarding digestive issues. If you, like so many of us, struggle with any of the many 'tummy troubles' brought on by illness, and especially aging, you will find everything covered, discussion is more open, and treatment offered from every area of the medical field and more. 

I found this little jewel of a herbal treatment, a natural 'digestif' to aid in stomach spasms and bloating - fennel seeds. I purchased a small bag of organic seeds and have been chewing them after breakfast and supper - we usually don't eat lunch. The licorice taste is pleasant and I chew for a while prior to swallowing as they are a bit weedy in the mouth! If you look up fennel seeds you will be amazed at the health benefits. Of course as with anything you ingest always check on the negatives too, and maybe discuss with your doctor. 

. . . . . . . while on the subject of healthy seeds, how about the sunflowers' offerings?
Have to admit they are delicious natural and roasted as a handy, healthy snack, and make such a difference to the taste and texture of many baked items, especially breads. I probably won't be eating mine from the garden as usually the squirrels and birds get there first, but that's fine with me. Growing a few of this awesome, now 10 foot tall, 'wow factor' variety has been beautiful to view. They have brightened the garden and welcomed people coming along the street. 

Soon I may be known not just as "the lady with the huge fig tree" but also "the crazy gardening woman with the gigantic sunflowers".

- Sunflowers today -

A favorite spot in the summer garden right now - under the Japanese maple.

Very hot and humid here.


  1. I didnt know that fennel seeds had so much to offer for our health, thank you Mary.

    1. I think they are working and my tummy likes them!!!!!

  2. I have read that about fennel seeds. Good to know that it really is beneficial. Seems a simple and healthy way to help with tummy troubles. Much preferable to drugs IMO.
    Your sunflowers are magnificent! I usually find a few growing from dropped bird seed, although I don't think I've seen any this summer.

    1. Fingers crossed they help - so far so good! Next year I will plant many, many more of the tall ones with short ones filling in the gaps - sadly Bob accidentally mowed over some early seedlings just poking through - I won't tell you how I dealt with that!!!!!!!!
      They really are awesome to watch grow - I think one is now 12 feet tall on a stalk like a small tree!

  3. Those sunflowers are amazing and so beautiful! I knew about fennel seeds, but unfortunately, I don't like them. I do like the vegetable though! ;-) When I have problems with bloating after a meal, I take a digestive enzyme (NOW Foods brand). I also try and remember to take a daily probiotic.

    1. I take a probiotic twice a day - Florastor prescribed by my gastroenterologist.

  4. Sitting under the Japanese maple in summer looks like a great place to read, drink and chat.

    1. Hi Hels, no sitting out today, pouring with rain and soooooo humid with 92F this afternoon!

  5. Interesting about fennel, although the taste is not one I enjoy. The sugar and the bulk of bakery items causes a lot of digestive problems. My doctor suggested eliminating bakery and I feel so much better now, less bulky.

    1. Welcome Renee! Yes, you are right, purchased bakery items, though tasting good, are definitely not a healthy food. Do you bake at home where you can limit sugar and other not so good ingredients?
      Right now I could really go for a croissant lurking in the freezer but won't, haha!

    2. Hello! Actually I only did home baking ( I don't eat commercially baked items), and it was this my doctor advised me to stop eating or to heavily limit. We used to enjoy home baked muffins but we've found healthier foods we like just as well now. I feel so much less sluggish. It wasn't an easy transition at first, but I feel so much better now!

  6. Mary thank you for the wonderful information about fennel seeds. Sometimes the simplest home remedies can save us a trip to the doctor. Your sunflowers are just the best. They are such cheerful flowers. Stay cool and have a lovely end to your week.

  7. Fennel has always been the choice of mothers with babies or small children when they were having tummy aches - mostly given in the shape of tea. Thankfully, I have no tummy troubles at all, but I do like to eat fennel - either raw as a sald with oranges, olive oil, balsamico, salt and pepper, or boiled/fried/steamed - the only way I do NOT like fennel is as tea :-D
    Your funflowers are superb!

    1. Funflowers?! Well, of course I ment sunflowers, but I actually like this typo :-D

  8. Interesting about the fennel and sitting under the Japanese maple sounds just lovely...

  9. I wonder if the fennel bulb has the same health benefits. I do love making a fennel bulb salad during the summer. What a wonderful thing to be known as, "the crazy gardening woman with the gigantic sunflowers". I love it. I love seeing your sunflowers too.


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