Friday, September 8, 2023

This week - hot and hotter!

I long for the ending of this year's Summer season. It has been nothing but endless days of breathtaking dry heat. Carrying a water bottle is sensible. I usually forget mine, so end up with throat issues as I become dehydrated after just a short time outdoors. Yesterday we ran some errands in 102F, not smart. The heat shimmered across the concrete parking lots, getting back into the car was like plunging into a furnace. I was thankful for my air conditioned leather seats. We ended the afternoon in a favorite wine bar before heading to the house for supper. I ordered a crystal clear glass of icy cold rosé and requested a glass of water - he brought me a large chilled bottle.

The house is cool and walking in refreshing. Meals are quick with no long prep. Roasting, boiling, frying, not in the cards lately. Even a tomato sandwich with a slice of fresh mozzarella and a bright green salad is satisfying on a hot night.

I've done little around the house this summer. Need to downsize stuff. Editing knick knacks will be a winter project, again! That said I have a few new to me items on the walls!  My wonderful neighbor has moved. He and his kitty Ms. Nala, whom you may recall I often cared for when he traveled, have a new home. We will miss him being next door, but he'll be around a lot as he's keeping the house and renting it to a family member.  He gifted me with this beautiful antique mirror and two winter landscape paintings. He knew I always loved these when they hung in his house. He's kind and thoughtful and has always been there for us in the last ten years.

Meanwhile, I'm pulling out autumn/winter weight clothes for the upcoming trip across the pond. It will be cooler there for certain. I will love that. The collapsible rack is at the ready. I hang things there daily while deciding what I will pack later. Each day different items appear as others disappear back into drawers and closets. Decisions as to what to take - and fit into one suitcase - is the hardest part of a journey for me, and it never gets any easier!  Going home soon.

When I dig back through memory cells, I get one particularly distinctive feeling - and that's one of warmth, comfort and well-being. For whatever else I may have had, or lost, or will find - I've still got a hometown. This, nobody's gonna take away from me. 

Rod Serling


  1. How sensible of the waiter to bring you a whole bottle of water and not just a glass!
    I love the wooden chest on the slim black metal feet and the vase on top.
    For our hiking holiday in Austria (starting tomorrow), I had to decide what to pack, too. The weather can throw anything at us, from hot sunny days to chilly wet ones, and I need hiking gear as well as a few nice things for dinner at the hotel - don‘t like to sit down to a somewhat posh meal in my hiking trousers 😁

  2. Not too cool here at present - around 90 F - but it won't last much longer.

  3. We have had a hot summer but not THAT hot, 102 degrees! Wow! I really longing for a rainy day now, for me and the nature...
    Love from Titti

  4. I think we’ve had the hottest day of the year, here in South Devon, today! It’s airless! When are you visiting the UK?

  5. Dear Mary, I agree with you: this hot summer was trying! I do not complain (the farmers may) - but if it seethes I stay indoors and do a walk in the early evenings - but feel that I want to do more in life, but not in that heat.
    I often forget to carry my beautiful rose-golden water bottle too - now I found the little bag that accompanied it, and I use it - so the bottle hangs over my shoulder and I can drink (a bit - I do not need so much) every hour or so.

    Thank you for your beautiful quote at the end of the post - so true!

    Downsizing in that huge flat in Berlin I also have to do - I shudder when I think of those harmless and orderly looking wardrobes with so many things and papers in them!
    How nice and sensible of your leaving neighbour to give you the things you admired. Britta x

  6. Oh dear Mary, 102F really is Too Hot! Simple salads are certainly the way to go. I am dreading the heat which will be upon us as soon as it leaves you. Thank goodness for the sanctuary of home, and what delightful additions you have received from your kind neighbour. I always love a snowy landscape, and they are both really pretty. The mirror is gorgeous too. It is great to hear you are going home, across the pond once more. The little clothes rack for consideration is a great idea - better than throwing them on a bed as I do, naughty me. We are going on a short trip later this year to Canberra and the Snowy Mountains, so, like you, I am considering the capsule wardrobe (in one case). Keep cool. xoxo

  7. Our heat is finally gone. Looks like some nice weather ahead for us with some sun and 70's. Today is plain ol' gross though: low 60's, constant drizzle, dreary. Kind of weather where you just would like to stay in bed all day! Funny you mentioned downsizing and getting rid of stuff. That has been my main projects these past few weeks. Sold some stuff on FB Marketplace and just donated three bags of stuff to a charity shop. Found more things to list on Marketplace today - vintage decor items as well as earrings. Yep, I even went through my earring collection today! Whatever doesn't sell will be donated. I think what is really pushing me lately is that I've been at a loved ones house quite often recently and noticing even in her older age, she has way too much stuff. It's overwhelming. I don't want my house and basement to become like that.

    So sorry to hear your wonderful neighbor is moving. Why do the good ones always move?! We were told by our next door neighbor just last week that he is moving next spring. He is one of our favorites, too. We do favors for each other, he's quiet and respectful. We just both have to hope we get nice new neighbors!

  8. So happy you can still go back home for a visit. Sorry for the very hot weather. I certainly wouldn't tolerate those temps very well. Ugh! Take care! Oh you will miss your neighbor and his Miss Nala for sure. What lovely gifts.

  9. OK, I always forget to put my name in when leaving a comment. Happy travels from me: Marilyn M and Anonymous!

  10. I'm a little slow to read this post. Thankfully our extreme heat is under control now... at least for the time being.
    How fun to be preparing for a trip. Hope it's a great one!


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