Friday, June 3, 2016

Kinsale 'Mansion'. . . . . . Raleigh 'Cottage'

Safely home and the trip was good from London's Heathrow to Raleigh/Durham,
 we even arrived early!

This was my favorite tiny home in Ireland, located in Kinsale, Co. Cork. 
It's even smaller than my Raleigh cottage!  Something is special when cobalt blue
 meets sunflower yellow, almost a French Provençal feeling. More pluses here
 are the climbing hydrangea on the chimney and the orange nasturtiums, 
the mini window boxes, and the lovely front door with the name The Mansion House
painted above. 

My cottage is still yellow however there is a mass of blue in the garden -
watch this space for details!
  Have spent much of today outside working. . . . . hot, mosquito proofed, dirty
 and getting things shipshape. 
There was a lot of rain whilst we were gone and now it's very hot.
Every growing thing has doubled in size it seems.
I hosed out the gazebo - lots of spider webs and such - so will be 
enjoying an aperitif there this evening, watching and listening to our
garden birds who seem so happy we're back and have filled their feeders.


  1. Welcome Home!! I enjoyed watching you travel to Ireland Mary!

  2. What a sweet cottage. It would have stopped me in my tracks, too. Window boxes are such a lovely added feature to a small home. I'm glad to know you are home safe and sound. It was a pleasure to tag along from afar. I bet you will be listening to sweet song today from your happy birds. :) Deb

  3. Your header says it all. What beautiful memories you have of Ireland. Can't wait to see more pictures, but I suppose there is no place like home.

  4. That cottage is such a brilliant blue and certainly brightens the streetscape. I love the sign and name over the door. I'm glad you are settled back at home and enjoying your sweet cottage and grounds. Have a lovely weekend Mary. xx Pam

  5. There IS something magical about the combination of that particular blue and that particular yellow. I love it wherever I see it. Right now I am enjoying the proximity of the deep yellow California Poppies against the periwinkle blue Canterbury Bells.

  6. Welcome Home! Oh I love that little mansion of blue and yellow.

  7. Aww..a few more photos! Can you imagine living there? Small! but oh so adroable...if not freezing in winter I would imagine. While I am sure it was wodnerful being home ,I bet you missed th elovely cooler weather you enjoyed in Ireland!


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