Saturday, August 26, 2023



Do you iron shirts?  After unpacking from the New England trip I had the usual pile of laundry to deal with including Bob's shirts.  He always says "don't bother to iron all those" and I always reply "I'm not allowing you to go out in wrinkled shirts."  

I quite enjoy ironing, it gives me time to think about other things. I park the ironing board - a sturdy metal one I've probably used for at least 40 years - in the kitchen facing toward the large window looking out into the back garden. Currently it's not a pretty sight after one of the hottest summers ever here. The grass is brown, the trees are already dropping yellowed leaves, the bird feeders are empty and the birdbaths dry to keep away the mosquitoes. There has been very little rain and swarms of ants are massing everywhere searching for moisture. We need a break from high temperatures, we need a good heavy rain to wash everything down and to refresh the shrubs. I also notice we need to attend to a lot of work out there in the coming year or so, it's never ending and hard keeping up.

Early morning at Midtown

Thursday was a busy day. I had an early morning appointment to renew my driver license and some shopping to do. We also had to use a complimentary hotel night this week. It would have expired on Friday so we took off on a 'staycation' late Thursday afternoon. Despite just returning from the ten day trip, we packed a small bag and hustled over to the now huge 'Midtown Raleigh' area just minutes from the house and checked in to a hotel there. Sounds somewhat stupid but we had no need to go far. We settled in, watched young people hanging out at the pool below our windows, then decided to go to our favorite Thai restaurant for supper. A lengthy walk followed around the development which continues to grow with massive hi-rise buildings, including the tall 36 floor apartment building in above photo, shops, restaurants, open park/music venue etc. When we moved here in 1977 this area was still partially undeveloped time has changed the landscape.

I noticed that Bob's checked summer shirts mimic the skyscrapers
 appearing all across downtown Raleigh, and now here in our quiet, 
once low profile neighborhood, renamed Midtown Raleigh.
It's called progress. Bob's all for it, I'm upset by it.  

Theatre date tonight. A lively sounding production titled 'CURTAINS' - advertised
 as "a witty, hilarious, musical whodunit".  I'm ready for a laugh and looking
 forward to it.


  1. Dearest Mary,
    Like you, I've always loved ironing shirts or bed linens!
    Have not done so in over half a year now... can't do it that is with my ongoing excruciating pain.
    We do have a lady that changes our beds and also irons the bed linens.
    And weekly help for cleaning the house...
    Free nights we should never let expire!
    Was surprised that you announce that you were going up north.
    We never have done that on social media or on the worldwide web such as our blog is.

  2. I hate, loathe and detest ironing! 😂 Before I married Terry, it was the one thing that I told him that I wouldn’t do! Housework is fine…just not the ironing. (I do have a friend who once said to me that she wasn’t put on this earth to do housework! )
    I do hope that the theatre date is good! Sal

  3. Hello Mary, thanks for sharing this interesting post. I also like to iron. Although with the accommodation linen, when Tandiwe is on annual leave, I tend to view this large job as a chore and rush through it is quickly as possible, Thandiwe irons like a dream and our linen is always perfect when we make the kingsized bed in the Bunker. I like the idea of a staycation and glad you had a great night away. Thank you for visiting my blog. Have a great day. Jo

  4. My husband used to send out his clothes to the cleaners because his work would pay for it. So I got out of the habit of doing a lot of ironing. I still have my old heavy ironing board and I bring it out to touch everything up before going on a trip or a special occasion. I use a steamer for knit shirts and sweaters. I know what you mean about "progress". The little rural community we moved into 45 years ago is now a sprawling and bustling suburban location for people who have moved out of the city and commute to work every day! I don't blame them, but I don't enjoy all the traffic and congestion it has brought. Nice to meet you! Happy Ironing.!

  5. Ah, the modern buildings do indeed look like check shirts, and I iron many of them in this house also. Like you, I do not like to see my husband all rumpled, and I quite enjoy the ironing/contemplation time. My ironing board is also a strong metal one, and I am pretty sure it is over 50 years old, and was given to me by my mother before we were married. They don't make things that last like that these days, he he. That was fun to go to a hotel nearby, and I hope you enjoyed the play too. xx

  6. Staying at a hotel in the town where you actually live sounds like fun!
    Like you, I like ironing, and always do O.K.‘s when I am at his for the weekend - not because he wants me to do it, but because I want to. Sometimes he puts the radio on for me, sometimes I just want to enjoy the quiet.
    At my place, I iron in my bedroom, windows wide open and listening to either the birdsong (in spring/summer) or to BBC Radio York via the internet.
    As you say, the mind can wander, and I find it a very satisfying task.

  7. By now you have been to the theatre and your hotel stay. I hope you had an enjoyable time.
    Funny how the skyscraper windows resembled Bob's checked shirts. I couldn't tell you the last time I ironed a shirt. I tend to take them out of the dryer slightly wet, give them a few shakes before hanging and call it good. Ha! Having said that, on those rare occasions when the ironing board comes out, I rather enjoy the process.

  8. Hi Mary,
    I love the analogy between Bob's shirts and the buildings !
    Hope you are both well ...... I shall have to catch up on your posts as blogging has taken a back seat lately. I shall be watching the US Open in New York over the next fortnight. Sending love from the UK. XXXX

    1. Thinking of you dear Jackie- hope things are OK. Enjoy the tennis.
      Warm hugs xx

  9. It's funny, but I like to iron too. Saying that, J prefers ironing his own shirts. I especially love having ironed pillow cases and napkins; but I do touch up tee's and jeans too.


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