Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Time away -

The storm of Monday evening arrived so suddenly. 
It was a scary hour of terrific winds driving heavy rain, west to east.
Thunder so loud and close made the house shudder, art, foxed mirrors,
 sconces on the walls chattered and slid sideways.
The lightning was blue and made the night sky almost as bright as day.
The power popped on and off briefly but then stayed on in our area.
I ran out to move the cushions and decorative items on the porch
 but realized it was too late and not safe outside in such elements.
Thankfully they were still there, though tossed about, in the morning.
No trees down but Bob spent time picking up small branches, 
twigs and leaves scattered around the garden.
The storms of summer can be brutal just like the storms of life.

It's a bright morning.
We're packing again today and will be gone for a while.
Heading north is always a good feeling, especially in
 summer where we hope to enjoy some cooler weather, 
fewer late day storms, seeing old friends, the vast ocean,
the green mountains, the places where we lived so long ago.

Time goes by, often too fast, and we try to keep up.
This world spins. Life brings joy and sadness and this week
I'm experiencing both.
More stories another time. I sit here listening to gentle music
 for the ear, for the soul, but I must away. 
Early to bed tonight, up very early tomorrow for the airport!


  1. I hope you have a lovely trip, Mary, with good weather and no storms.

    1. Thank you dear friend. Stay well and enjoy your lovely garden and the veggies!!!

  2. Have a very special time away. Wow! That sounds like quite the storm. I don't think I have experienced something like that in a long time. Stay safe! Happy Travels!

  3. Unbelievable weather, at least for summer when you can normally live outside. Have you seen any other signs of climate change creeping up?

  4. Mary, it's been far too long since I've visited. My life has been turned upside down with the loss of Monnie. I love the way you write. It's almost poetic, and your images always intrigue. I'm happy you and Bob are getting away to cooler temps. Austin has been extreme this summer. Our recent mornings have been better, but by noon it is back to triple digits. I garden early, then stay inside the rest of the day. Quick walks for Sadie, but that's it. Happy travels....

  5. Beautiful photos, as always, Mary. What a storm that was! Glad to hear everything is OK and that you are on your way North. xo


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