Friday, July 30, 2021

Home via Washington D.C. ----------

"The Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool is the largest of the many reflecting
 pools in Washington, D.C., United States. It is a long and large rectangular
 pool located on the National Mall, directly east of the Lincoln Memorial, 
with the Washington Monument to the east of the reflecting pool."

My first home in Washington D.C. when I came to live in the USA was here
in this beautiful city.
The view from my bedroom window included the tip of the Washington 
Monument - at night the blinking lights were like a beacon in an 
unfamiliar sky.
The first time I ever laced up white leather boots - attached to shiny 
blades, and stepped gingerly onto ice - was on the rather
rough frozen Reflecting Pool. That was the severe winter of 1962, the
year when my life was about to change in many ways as I adventured
 forth headfirst!

All photos taken with iPhone 11 Pro from the plane.

Great to be home again - lots on that never ending 'to do' list.
Heat index here today will reach 105F!  Needless to say I will be
staying inside.


  1. I thought Washington a most beautiful city when I visited it some years ago

  2. Great photos and takes me back to a long time ago when I was lsat there. Gosh I think Clinton was President at the time or maybe even Bush senior - yes, it was that long ago!

  3. I loved visiting DC a few years back. One of my favorite cities. Glad you are home safe.

  4. Dearest Mary,
    Excellent series from Washington DC as you remember it from your 1st home town!

  5. Ugh! 105°

    Hope the heat calms down soon. As for to-do lists... take your time, especially in that heat.

  6. We visited DC once with our children, and spent much time in the various Smithsonian buildings. There is so much to enjoy and see in that beautiful city. Stay cool. We're in a heat wave again, although not nearly as bad as last month's. Lots of salads and iced drinks.

  7. Dear Mary, thank you for the wonderful photos - I never saw it like this, so beautiful! (I haven't been in Washington - yet).
    Of course I am utterly curious about that change in your life (if you intend to tell us, that is)!
    And to skate on that Reflecting Pool must have been triple exciting: a new sport, white boots - and those surroundings.

  8. It certainly looks a beautiful city when viewed from on high. It's a place I've never visited and probably never will as I no longer yearn for overseas travel. I hope someone's been looking after the garden in your absence.

  9. Love seeing your pictures from the plane.
    Looking forward to seeing it in a few months.


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