Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Let's chat about our necklines . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Oh to have that neckline again!
The smooth and wrinkle-free throat of youth.
How we took such things for granted back then. Aging happened to 
our grandmothers, our aunties, even our mothers, but did we ever really
 think it would be our swan-like necks, lined and creased, reflected in the mirror?

During our formative years we girls were bombarded by the media, 
the magazines, and told we were not as perfect as we should be, could be.
Many of us struggled through our teens wondering if we would ever
 make the grade when it came to looks, shape, clear skin.
Lotions and potions were purchased, lined up on the vanity or dresser, 
tried for a while then tossed aside when a newer supposedly better
 one came along. The drug store became a regular stomping ground, we 
spent time and spending money on the less expensive brands until, guess
 what, we earned salaries and were able to graduate to the high priced
 cosmetic counters.
In fancy department stores we were ambushed by slick salespeople the
 moment we stepped inside the doors - thank you Mr. Selfridge - each wanting
 to spray us, dab us, sit us down on a high stool at their counter and make us
 into their version of a women with the perfect skin, the lined and shadowed eye,
 the sexy lip.

We often succumbed as we'd been brainwashed by those magazines
and television ads. We weren't yet 'perfect' and we required a make over!
The few times I agreed to sit on that stool I came away feeling ridiculous and
 looking like someone I was not. I couldn't wait to get home and wash it all off. 
I admit I purchased a few of those high priced lotions and potions with
 the fancy names and over the top packaging. Whether they made much
 difference in the big scheme of things and the aging game, who truly knows.
I still have a wrinkled neck like most women in their seventies!
So, I still enjoy quietly browsing around a drugstore, nobody bothers me
 trying to sell me high priced creams and cosmetics. I sometimes try a new
 affordable product, but then leave with enough cash leftover for a nice
 bunch of flowers and a bottle of wine!

I do buy some excellent products from one company with a department
 store counter. They are very good, not high priced, their salespeople
 are well-trained, helpful and never pushy. I am even using
them on my throat where I now have a fading scar from my recent 
thyroid surgery, and am very satisfied with the healing.
 Although I'll never have a smooth neckline again, I'm thankful for what
 I do have and I'm just going to make the most of it! 


  1. Hi Mary...very intriguing and interesting post here. So agree with you. I've always loved browsing/playing with/experimenting with fun/different/new treatments and cosmetics. Some things I've just given up on.....aging happens. Cant really stop it. At this point I'm more interested in what's going on inside and am I a woman of character or simply consumed with youth and the media's and society's view of what I "should be" or how I should look. That doesnt mean I don't still enjoy buying/trying some fun new items or treating myself to some lotions/potions--- ha ha LOL. I love new shades of lipsticks! And good smelling lotions and creams! and I DO MY EYE MAKE-UP every day---it's just who I am I guess---old habits and all that. But the more important focus at this stage, for me anyway, am I a good role model for my grown children and our grandchildren? Am I a good I have hobbies/interests/causes I am passionate about? Do I help others? Do I still have goals and dreams and do I fully realize that goals and dreams can change...OR BE CHANGED BY any time? Am I happy with where life has taken me and in where I have taken my own self? Yep....many things to ponder with your thoughtful post.

  2. Wrinkled necks pretty much go with the territory when you get into your late 60s but mine isn't too bad and my face is pretty much unlined thanks to good genes from ny mum. I use a moisturizer but that's about it.

  3. You know, Mary, Life is pretty fantastic when the only thing irritating a woman is a slightly wrinkly neck. Wrinkles? But the neck still works.
    Here in the Northern Territory live many women who have never used face creams. The fact that they do not look any worse than other old ladies is probably due to skin colour. The sunshine on pale skin causes wrinkles, I guess. Or our DNA. Or a harsh climate.
    Applying luscious creams takes the wrinkles from my mind, helps me feel that I am looking after my body, and at least keeps the skin soft.
    I will think of you watching the wildlife in Kenya with a bag of cosmetics in the background.

  4. Dear Mary - when I was in Austria I caught too much sun - went out stupidly without my sunblock. H called into the local chemist and purchased some Aloe Vera gel on their recommendation and it immediately soothed. I have been using it ever since, it soaks straight into the skin without excessive rubbing and is particularly good for wounds too - smells lovely as well.

  5. Despite the claims, there is very little that can halt the inevitable!

  6. I've tried everything in the book from cheap to uber expensive gels/creams and none of it 'lifts'. My turkey wattle neck is there until I do something more invasive. The line keeps changing (neck, jowls, eyelids) but in reality I'd have to do it all. The plastic surgeons are now touting vaginal rejuvenation. Ha.

  7. My neck stayed smooth longer than anyone my age I knew, but it ends up that was because I was fat. When I lost the excess weight, I was rewarded with throat wrinkles. Oh well; it's healthier! :)

  8. So true my dear.... my mom is always talking about it, so lets be thankful and take good care. By the way, just popped the muffins in the oven. I'm crossing my fingers! Hope they turn out as delicious as yours. Sending my love ~ Vanessa

  9. Nice article, Mary. I have always avoided those department store counters and have been a cheap shopper when it comes to skin care products, etc. But oh I do wish for those smooth neck days, which will never come again.

  10. I can clearly remember the smell of Oil of Olay. It's what my Mammaw used and as kids, my cousins and I enjoyed sitting at her vanity, trying on her makeup and costume jewelry. She also used Cover Girl which I bought for years until I gave up foundation. I keep things simple now. I don't believe in all these fancy, expensive products on the market. Eat right, take care of yourself, exercise, stay positive -- that's what keeps you healthy and young. At 50, I'm noticing more loose skin and wrinkling. Freaks people out that I've decided not to color my hair. What's so wrong with gray? Doesn't bother me at all.

  11. My neck and I are reconciled to one another. I keep it warm in winter, safe from sun in summer and occasionally anoint it with a sweet-smelling cream. In return, it does an admirable job of holding my head up!

  12. Good thoughts, Mary. I used to try different products, but now I've found a drug store variety that I like and I'll just stick with it. I think genes have a lot to do with how skin looks as we age, but taking care of it is still a good thing.
    I notice when I get up in the morning that I have wrinkles on my upper chest - I've figured out it's from laying on my side when I sleep. The wrinkles do go away after some time, but I can foresee the day when they won't. Sigh.

  13. At age 54, I am starting to get a turkey neck. I don't like it, but there's not much I can do about it. I eat healthy, drink lots of water, use a natural sunscreen and an organic moisturizer. I won't spend money on those expensive so-called miracle creams. I've read too many articles that said they're the same as the cheap drugstore stuff. I also think a lot has to do with genetics. My grandma, mom and aunt all started to get the turkey neck in their 50's, too. And since I've lost weight, the fat loss in the neck doesn't help the wrinkles! Oh well, better things to worry about in life, right? :-)


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