Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Scribble Picnic - CLASSIC

When I saw the theme CLASSIC for today's picnic I immediately thought of my classical
 bust of mythical Roman, Diana the Huntress. 
She graces my dining room table currently (see my header above) in front of the mirror
with the Roman numerals, but has been known to move around the house and be
 displayed in other nooks and crannies.
She also wears my small collection of vintage men's shirt collars for want of another 
place to display them!
Yes, I know, my decorating is somewhat eclectic, but I derive a lot of happiness from
pieces such as this, so what the heck, decorate with what you love and think is 
beautiful. . . . . . . there really are no rules when it comes to one's own home are there?

Photo edited to a sketch via PicMonkey - water color pencils.

SCRIBBLE PICNIC is back today after a short break, and of course Michael is hosting.
I'm looking forward to see what our group chooses to illustrate their take on something classic - this will be interesting.


  1. This is very classic indeed! You did a wonderful job.

  2. LOVELY Mary!!!! What a great decoration to have, I have a lot of respect for the Moon Goddess!!! :) And you're right...whatever makes us happy, then that is our decor, regardless of what others think. I'm very much eclectic myself in my decor, my thoughts, my spiritual beliefs. Great post today! :)

  3. that's exactly one of the things I thought of as classics, I've seen those bust in museums. good idea for the scribble picnic theme.

    have a lovely day.

  4. I love that she wears the men's collar collection.

  5. She is beautiful....and her own woman...haha

  6. HAha, vintage men's shirt collars and Diana? Yes, why not. Classical bust. A lovely twist to the prompt. Clever, Mary ...and fun. Thank you!

    By the way, I have added a post specifically in reference to our next Scribble Picnic challenge, so you might want to check that out. :) For you, one way you could approach this, is print out and black and white photo, adjusted as you sometimes do, and perhaps even printed on coloured paper, then add a third colour for highlights or darker areas. Jsut ideas. I'm sure you'll think up something. Thank you.

  7. I love your style of decorating - use what you love. And I love how you've added your touches to the photo.


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