Tuesday, November 1, 2022

A nod to November. . . . .

Thank you for the kind Birthday greetings.
October was such a busy month with a lot happening, 
mostly good, and using up my time. It flew by and now
 today, All Saints' Day, November is upon us along with the 
holiday season ahead. Things will stay hectic I'm sure.

Lakeside Birthday picnic.

Fall brings back frothy coffees!

Halloween was brief with less than handful of costumed 
kiddies at the door last evening - times have changed!

. . . . . and yes, the fig tree is dropping its beautiful leaves, crunchy
and curled, Bob rakes them daily. It was a good year though
and fruit was plentiful and delicious.

Today was a beautiful, colorful start to November
Hoping November will be an enjoyable month for all.


  1. The fig tree is gorgeous, as are the figs. How do you use the figs in you meals?

    1. Most of the figs are now shared with friends/neighbors who like to make fig jam. My jam making days are over other than a jar or two to keep in the fridge for a couple of months. I use fresh figs in several recipes - salmon baked on a bed of fig leaves and sliced potatoes, served with fig salsa on top is a favorite. . . . . . . the leaves become crispy and have a lovely flavor!
      Some I bake into fruit desserts, such as an oat-topped crumble, or a galette where I like to mix them with plums. Figs are a versatile fruit and having such an amazing tree outside the door is a blessing year round as it always looks stunning. . . . . . .even now with very few leaves remaining. Another plus of course, the tree is the best place to hang bird feeders and a few small nesting boxes. I love my garden birds!

    2. Your figs were delicious as always…so sweet that you share them so generously with friends and family! Hugs, my friend 🥰

  2. Beautiful scenes from your October, Mary. Our fig tree leaves are still hanging on, but I expect them to start falling any day now. Happy November days to you.

  3. I love the small picnic basket and am sure it was filled with delights for your birthday picnic!
    My November will be a mix of sadness and joy, as it has been for the last 13 years.
    But hectic? Don't allow that, Mary. Nobody needs hectic. Just enjoy the good times.

  4. The birthday picnic looks like fun! Happy November.

  5. happy belated birthday! and happy november!
    love & magicks

  6. Beautiful autumn in your neighborhood. Hoping you have a most delightful November.

  7. Dearest Mary,
    You sure enjoyed some special times in October!
    We just got back from our lovely mountain and autumn leaves escape + visiting a dear friend who'd lost her son.

  8. Scrumptious photos! Did you really have a birthday picnic? That sounds like perfection!

  9. Belated birthday greetings Mary and I wish you many happy returns and hope that you had a wonderful day ..... so sorry that I missed it ..... lots going on here that has distracted me from blogging and commenting. I love your Autumnal images ..... it's such a beautiful time. It's Guy Fawkes night here tonight. It's fading out somewhat and Halloween is taking over which I am sad about but, things change I guess ! XXXX


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