Sunday, May 1, 2016

May Day. . . . . . . . . . .

Here it is, May already!
April visits to the garden centers were, as always, fun.
 At this time of year they have to be the most colorful
 places in town. . . . . in our city anyway.

A wonderful surprise tucked in between all the plants. . . . . . the koi pond.

This year I am not planting any annuals this early because,
as I shared in my last post, we will be off across the pond again 
very soon. I have however pruned, fertilized, mulched and prepared 
our garden for what Summer will bring later. On our return in early
 June there will still be time to plant colorful petunias and pick up 
some geraniums for my empty pots.
Hopefully the garden centers will save some of their lovelies
for me!

Today we have wet, stormy weather, definitely not a gardening day around here!


  1. What a wonderful range of colours in the garden centre.
    Enjoy your upcoming trip!

  2. How exciting that you'll be off to Ireland!

  3. Must be lots of rain up and down the east coast because it is rainy here, too. I love garden centers and must resist the urge to visit them for another few planting here until after Memorial Day. Thanks, however, to an overeager husband, I do have a hanging begonia plant for Mother's Day. (He's always afraid that he is going to forget.) Oh the flowers you shall see when you get home...both there and here.

  4. Garden centers are so full of color and inspiration these days. I love going, and I dislike going - I get inspired and all fired up, and want to purchase too much of a variety.
    How great to get your garden all prepared now so that you can plant as soon as you get back from your trip (and recover from the jet lag).

  5. How I love visiting the garden centers. I never return home empty handed. We did plant our tomatoes a little early because we will be gone. Today is warming up to the high 70's and tomorrow is suppose to be about 10 degrees warmer. Everything is just growing like weeds, oh those weeds are growing too.

  6. A garden centre is like fairy land to me at this time of year. I want it all, especially the colour! I am being very good this year, and trying to buy with a plan for the new garden.....but it is very hard!

  7. I agree, Mary. I went to three different garden centers on Saturday. Not one of them had those baskets of purple petunias that you show in the second photo. Still looking for those as I like to have a container of them each year. I spent the day in my garden. We had a perfect day here. Hope you did as well. Happy May Day!


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