Sunday, November 27, 2016

North Carolina shore on Sunday morning. . . . . . . . .

Looking north toward Wilmington, NC.

Looking south towards the fishing pier at Kure Beach, NC.

We walked along the shore at Carolina Beach this morning quite early, before coffee
 or breakfast. Not many people out as the wind was cold, temperature 40F, but
 the sun was shining and the sea birds were sunning, preening and fishing!

Later two surfers braved the waves in wet suits. . . . . . . . . 

 . . . . . . . whilst I just dipped my toes, not bad, but that's as far as I go
in the Atlantic at this time of year!

Early morning on the boardwalk.
Carolina Beach rebuilt its board walk over the past two years and it is
really beautiful. It is now being extended even further along the shore 
where new hotels, shops and condos are being built.
Home again now.  
Next time I view the mighty Atlantic Ocean I will be flying over it back to Europe.
Life this year has certainly required a lot of packing and unpacking. . . . . . 
and it's not over yet! 


  1. We walked on a beautiful empty beach yesterday morning but after breakfast not before! Carolina beach looks like a lovely place to visit and your photographs surely show it off beautifully. Love the white reindeer.
    So your heading in this direction again, I look forward to hearing all about your next trip soon.

  2. Wonderful early morning atmosphere at the beach! I doubt I would have been willing to go without at least some hot coffee inside me, but I am glad you did and brought us the photos!
    Have a good flight across the ocean!

  3. I love that sort of packing :)
    We used to go to Myrtle Beach for the summer when I was a child and Dad would go deep sea fishing off of Wilmington .. no girls allowed :) I am glad to see the how clean and beautiful it looks.

  4. Oh that beach looks wonderful, Mary, even on a chilly early November morning. Lovely photos.

  5. How I love walking on the beach, listening to the waves roll back and forth, and watching the sea birds play at the waters edge. Beautiful! Happy unpacking and packing again.

  6. You've got to love the Atlantic! Putting my feet in it, however, at this time of year as you did is another thing altogether! Lovely photos, Mary. I particularly like the 4th one down with the shimmering water behind.

    Ok, you know what? You simply CAN'T go on any more trips until I've had a chance to catch up on all your posts (I'm sure your family will understand)! :)

  7. Good morning Mary. We really could have been walking on each side of the ocean at the same time :) North Carolina seems to fantastic, love the beach. I wish we would have beach like this in Finland but no, I have to travel more south in Europe to see beaches like his.

  8. Hey, I finally made it back to where I apparently last left off! Shame on me! All caught up reverse! :)


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