Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Scribble Picnic - Tie It Up

I almost didn't make it here with all that's going on! The weekend was busy as
 we were out of town. Yesterday, in stifling temperatures yet again, I had to get out
 and work in the garden as we are preparing to have the cottage painted, BUT the
 shrubbery all along the front has to be removed or pruned to the ground. I so
 dislike that part and hope it will eventually grow back. After I complete this post
 for the 'picnic' I'm off to the dentist for some rather complicated surgery, ugh!!!

I love making tags and always try to make them appear vintage. I started young
when it came to wrapping packages - it was one of my favorite creative 
things to do as a child, finding pretty papers, ribbons and making a little tag to 
tie it all up!
These I made a few years ago with the help of my set of PARIS rubber
 stamps - today I've photographed them, done a little editing, and added back
 a wee bit of color with my water color pencils.

Here in North Carolina we are now very concerned about Hurricane Irma as
there is always a chance these horrific tropical storms will hit the East coast as
 many have in the past. While we still pray for the people of Texas we are 
also keeping fingers crossed for so many other places in the Caribbean,
Florida, and all of the US East coast. Stay safe everyone.

Meanwhile - SCRIBBLE PICNIC continues thanks to Michael, head over
 today and see what our talented group comes up with.
The theme today is Tie It Up.


  1. Hi Mary :) Your tags are gorgeous! What a great hobby to have, they really do look vintage! Good luck at the dentist...I cannot even handle walking into a dentist office anymore...but I know I have to soon. Hope you're safe from any Irma damage.

  2. A delightful solution to Micheal's prompt and I love that the tags were made by you before being photographed. And Ugh to going to the dentist and double Ugh for a complicated surgery. Hope all goes well and you are back, maybe covered in house paint, next week. Very nicely done, Mary.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  3. Love your vintage tags Mary - hope the storms miss you, and your painting goes well.

  4. tags is a different idea but such a good one. They turned out really well.

  5. do people use tags anymore? I don't but I like seeing them, these are lovely.

    have a lovely day.

  6. Your tags are really great, and they do look vintage. Hope the hurricane leaves you alone!

  7. Lovely tags! Stay safe under Irma's threat.

  8. Oh Mary ..... we must have been separated at birth !!! I have the Paris rubber stamps and make gift tags just like that and have also bought similar on Etsy !!
    Hope that the visit to the dentist went well ..... also, I hate drastically cutting back in the garden but, sometimes, it needs to be done doesn't it ! XXXX

  9. These vintage homemade tags are wonderful. I love tags, and they can make a gift so much for special.

  10. Your tags are lovely as can be and surely make a package look special!
    I had a dental surgery this morning before I posted. I hope yours went well and that you heal swiftly and with grace.

  11. I nearly didn't do Scribble Picnic this week thinks we are developing a habit, Mary. hehe

    Your tags are the Paris theme.

    Well wishes for your dental appointment and I do hope Hurricane Irma steers clear. As you probably know already, we call them Cyclones Down-Under and they usually develop in the Summer months - December/January/February. They can be very scary indeed.

    Will be sending you positive vibes. Stay safe.

  12. OOh, these are lovely, Mary, and I would imagine any wrapped gift from you would be so well presented. You could have actually just taken a photo of these tags since you made them by hand but I do love the colouring you've done with the edited photo. Great job and fantastic idea. I love how vintage it looks. Thank you!

    I hope your teeth are feeling better and the house painting goes well. Funny, never occurred to me that of course one would have to cut back bushes alongside the house before painting can begin! Yes, i hope they grow back better than ever. I can't wait to see the before and after pics? Are you changing the colour or keeping it that pale yellow as I seem to recall?

    Hope you and fam are all ok with the storm. It is indeed a beast!

    I've posted my colour version now btw and will be changing out the themes either tonight or tomorrow, so stay tuned! :) Thanks again for the wonderful addition to our picnic.

  13. What a lovely picture all those tags make!
    Dental work–we dislike it, yet so grateful that it is available when needed. Hope yours goes well!
    Those storms! Be safe!

  14. Wrapping packages is something I really enjoy. Nice idea with the tags.


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