Friday, October 4, 2019

Back in the UK. . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . but just for 24 hours!

We arrived early, even before the sun was up!
Good flight and only 7 hours with the brisk tailwind. A few hours of dozing, 
but no real deep sleep.
Cool, very cool for us coming from such intense heat. Some little
 patches of blue sky later.
Hung about an airport coffee shop - CaffĂ© Nero java will wake anyone - before 
taking a taxi to our hotel which, thankfully, had our room ready for occupancy.

Airbus 380-800 - largest commercial plane in the world - costs a bit too,
$318 million!

We always request a room here overlooking the runway.
Huge planes arrive from some place in the world about 
every 3 minutes.
Clouds have rolled in.  
A few raindrops falling now. . . . . . after all this is England!


  1. Enjoy your trip Mary! Our weather looks like England's right now! :)

  2. Seven hours, that is real quick!

  3. Have a wonderful trip to those beautiful countries and enjoy every one of them !
    We went there last year. My mom had a stroke so we couldn't travel to Madrid where my daughter lives and thus go from there to other destinations. The same daughter is the one giving birth in Miami, so I guess next Spring we'll be across the pond.
    Thanks for dropping by my friend.

  4. Are you able to sleep when that close to the runways?!!


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