Friday, July 26, 2019

Neighborhood farmers. . . . . . . .

Most of us love having a Farmers' Market convenient to our home, don't we?

It's one of those special places to spend a couple of hours on an early
 summer's morning. Armed with a cute shopping basket or recyclable bag, 
you soon find yourself filling it with beautiful fresh fruits, veggies and 
if lucky, freshly laid eggs and bunches of just picked flowers.

We are close to several excellent markets open at this time of year, however
lately, two of my immediate neighbors have been very generous sharing
bounty from their gardens. Tomatoes, cukes, peppers appear often. . . . .these
 above from Nick across the street on Monday.  Nick is young and really
interested in gardening - I see how excited he is picking his veggies
and having extra to share. In return we sent him back across the street 
with a bowl of our freshly picked figs. 
Great to have 'farmers' tapping on the door with good things to eat. . . . .
. . . . . but of course we'll still enjoy going to the market on a Saturday morning.

Thanks from the bottom of my heart to all the farmers who work
 so hard to feed us.  
It's not until you dig up a bed of heavy clay soil, amend it, plant a few tomatoes
 and spend weeks in the hot summer sunshine, wielding a garden house while
 praying for some rain, picking off gross fat worms, running off deer, squirrels
 and pecking birds, that you understand just how hard farming is. 
I know, I've done it, and I know many of you have too!

Here's to farmers everywhere, ploughing acres of fields or puttering about in
 raised garden beds, we salute you all.


  1. Here's to farmers, yes! So many today say they "love the country life", but I guess most of them wouldn't last a week if they really were to live on a working farm.

  2. How wonderful! I do love going to a good farmer's market. But even better to have neighbors who grow wonderful things and share. Lucky you! Nothing better than fresh picked.

  3. Amen to that! I love a good farmers market and good farming neighbors who share.

  4. We have a year round farmer's market about an hour's drive away. I do most of my shopping there all the time, they have a great cheese shop too! :)

  5. There is nothing better than farm fresh vegetables! We are growing tomatoes and peppers this year, but they're not ripe yet. Local farm stands have just opened. They're late this year because the intense rain put the growing season behind. We went to one of the stands the other day and got tomatoes that were from KY, but local cucumbers and non-GMO corn-on-the-cob. I came home and made gazpacho!

    Tomorrow we're going to a large town for a day trip. They have a huge, fantastic farmer's market. Can't wait to shop there.

  6. Amen! Farmers rock! I wish I had a neighbor who farms. I did get some cukes at the Farmer’s Market today and so had the first cucumber sandwich of the season. It was fabulous!

  7. I love when neighborhood farmers share. We often do it with excess tomatoes.


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