Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Red Robin keeps bobbing!

I haven't done a bird post for a while so thought I'd share a few of the
 American robins hanging around the garden now.  
It's almost as if they watched me from a distant branch on Saturday, 
scrubbing the bird baths - we have four - with a metal brush, rinsing
 numerous times, leveling the wonky ones so the fresh water was level,
 and cleaning the stones which I add for the tiny visiting birds to
 stand on when they drink. I try hard to be a good garden bird stepmother!

"Splish splash, I was taking a bath"...............I'm sure many of us
 remember that lively Bobby Darin song!

The American robin is quite a large bird, compared to the European one.
I recall last Christmas almost every one of the cards I received from overseas
 had a photo or illustration of a small, pudgy, 'robin redbreast' as we called them
 when I was child in England.  
The robin always makes me smile.


  1. I love Robins. When I grew up in Michigan they would leave in the winter. When we sighted a Robin after winter we new spring was arriving!

  2. I love your bird posts, Mary. You get the greatest shots of our feathered friends. I especially like the one shaking his feathers out after bath time.

  3. Dearest Mary,
    Wha a lovely post is this!
    Great idea for placing stones in the bird bath. We will clean ours out and do the same with some bought polished pebbles that we got for one project a couple of years ago and not needed anymore.
    Don't you miss that cute European robin? There is no comparison and I wish we had one here on our side but yet, we have the red Cardinal and the Eastern Blue Bird.
    We have our two bird baths in front of our kitchen bay window, with a patio and a stretch of lawn in-between. Always a joy to watch!

  4. They do look happy! You are definitely a good friend to the birds.

  5. Occasionally, I see robins here, too - ours are the same species as the UK ones, I think. Yours look cute, too.
    Now I have the "splish, splash" song in my head - I bet I will be singing it to myself all day! Must be careful not to burst into song during one of the video calls I have for work today ;-)

  6. Dear Mary,
    Yes you are a good garden robin stepmother. It is obvious that your robins are happy in the environment which you have provided. It takes a bit of extra time and energy to be so thoughtful. And, we are the happy recipients of beautiful bird photos.

  7. Robins are always worth a notice and a smile.
    Love your birdbath too.


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