Thursday, August 30, 2018

Colorado and artist friends. . . . . . . . . .

Our recent trip westward didn't end with that amazing visit to Utah. . . . . . it 
continued into Colorado for yet another long awaited visit with a blog friend,
Michael MacVean, graphic designer/illustrator extraordinaire, 
SCRIBBLE PICNIC host and all around lovely, friendly, funny guy.
Visit Michael's blog HERE.
Today he's back posting about his move to Kentucky and 
plans for the future.

We flew from Salt Lake City to Denver, picked up a rental car and drove to 
Loveland where dinner with Michael was planned. We were running quite late
 due to the airport car rental place being a nightmare, but Michael, bless his polite
 English heart, waited for us. . . . . . . .thank goodness!

Michael and I have been blog friends for many, many years and he, like me
always seemed excited at the thought of meeting up someday. We decided this
 had to be the year - he's still young but we're getting long in the tooth!
 As Utah and Colorado are neighboring states we could do it quite easily.

There was just one hitch, lifestyle changes meant Michael and his wife,
 lovely artist, Alexandra were moving to Kentucky just before we were due 
to arrive in Fort Collins, Colorado!
Anyway all worked out as Michael returned to tie up lose ends on the dates
 we were visiting and we could get together. Sadly Alexandra was not able to
 come with him due to work commitments in Kentucky. . . . . but we look
 forward to meeting up with her another time.

The second day in Fort Collins we met Michael for a tour around the
 really great Old Town section of Fort Collins.  Starting with freshly baked 
biscuits, muffins, croissants (best almond one ever) and good coffee at
The Little Bird Bakery - which I know Michael and Alexandra will
definitely miss - we enjoyed walking and visiting so many interesting 
shops and viewing historic homes in the area.

I love signage and in Fort Collins Old Town area it was awesome.

Strolling around town on a beautiful day.

This was a great small batch chocolate shop - we each had a truffle and picked
 two bars to bring home. Gobbled up the truffles but the bars are here awaiting
 a special occasion for serving.

This collage shows some the pretty things for sale in the lovely shops Michael
 took time to show us. I did buy the French kitchen soap as I was out of it. 
The fox on the baby onesie in the center is one of Alexandra's illustrations. . . . .and
 I have to say the little dish with the sheep has a quote I totally agree with (Gina that
 one's for you!).

Michael thanks so much for making time to see us - we enjoyed it all so much.
Wishing you and Alexandra much happiness in your new home.
  Here's to the next time.


  1. What a lovely place - the name alone makes me want to visit, Loveland! Strange that anyone would want to leave there and move elsewhere.
    The shops look like my kind of place, and of course I LOVE the fox illustration by Alexandra.

    1. I think the change will be good and the area they are moving to is much less expensive to live. They are lovely people and want to assist
      Alexandra's family also.
      I wish I could move to a small country town - the traffic here is driving me crazy!

    2. Not a matter of wanting to leave as much as wanting to help. :) Yes, come visit. It really is a special place.

  2. My niece and family lived in Ft Collins for a few years. So glad you both were able to meet your friend!

    1. It was lovely but a lot like Raleigh, growing too big too fast! No wonder the deer have started appearing in our garden - the doe now has two babies - their woodland is being taken and they soon will have nowhere to go, sad.

  3. What a lovely surprise to see two of my favorite bloggers together! And your collages are delightful, so many unique and fun things to peruse.

    1. Thanks dear Sara - time with Michael flew by much too fast as we had a lot to chat about!

  4. My! What adventures you’ve had. I see Kentucky in your future!

    1. I've not visited Kentucky in some time - now I have a reason to go! We may have to shoot for next Spring as this year is already packed!

  5. How wonderful that you were able to meetup with Michael!!! Thanks for sharing this lovely post Mary.

    1. It was such a fun time Christine - Michael is certainly a special guy!

    2. I'm getting another chuckle out of these marvelous photos! I need to get back in shape too with being here in KY adn fewer opps to walk, which is weird considering its rural! lol.

  6. Now this sounds and looks like just the perfect visit to Colorado. So happy you were able to meet Michael and tour a bit. It looks wonderful. It all makes me almost want to visit there. Since Jim was from that part of the country we use to go there often, but I am sure all has changed now.

  7. I'm so glad that you both were able to meet up with Michael after all the years keeping in touch online! A pity Alexandra wasn't able to be there but I'm sure a great time was had by all. I loved the pics!

  8. Ooh, Mary, what a fabulous write up with those brilliantly captured photos! You really did show some of the highlights of Fort Collins, and that is, without even venturing west of town to at least see the foothills. No need though as the town is truly a gem. Yes, we will for sure miss it and defiantly The Little Bird Bakeshop but be that as it may, when new doors open and others close, sometimes one just has to be brace and set ones face to new horizons. You are so right too about it growing and growing and not getting any cheaper for housing, etc. This new community we are in needs people like us so we are glad to be getting involved here too, whilst missing kids there in Colorado.
    For anyone whop sees this later, meeting you and Bob was DEFINITELY the highlight of that fortnight before more travels, etc. I so loved meeting you and remember just how much I truly missed your company the next morning. It felt like we had been friends for ages...which, actually, we have, haven't we? Well, online at least and now in person and now I get to know Bob too who is such a compliment to you. What a good sport he is too. Please do say hello and please do come to KY and see us. When wee are se tup in our loft ....with furniture at some point, you can come and stay with us. There are definitely spots here that remind us of English country lanes, etc, except of course, the buildings are not the same etc.
    Miss you and than you so much for visiting. It was a joy taking you around. I love your collages. In fact, I think I need to download them for whewvner needing a quick fix of the Choice city, as Foco is often called. :)

  9. I thoroughly enjoyed your post about the vibrant art scene in Colorado! For those visiting Fort Collins and looking for a comfortable and convenient stay, Corporate Housing by Owner provides excellent corporate housing Fort Collins
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