Saturday, March 23, 2013

A Favorite Thing - Easter dressing..................

Time to bring out the Easter finery.......choose 
hat to wear if the sun shines and the showers, and 
for some of you snow, stay away. 
I love straw hats and have a small collection. 
These were made for me by a friend many years ago.

I've shared these hat boxes here before. Formerly 
flowery patterned boxes from Tuesday Morning, I covered 
them in scrap wrapping paper, adding a piece from a very 
old French magazine.......that hat looks a lot like mine.

I have this pale green, hand-painted, linen dress to wear, 
made by the same talented friend who created the hats. 
Sort of timeless in style and perfect with either of 
these hats.................
a bit vintage looking, mid-calf 
comfy, effortless, and hanging in my closet 
for several years. Out it comes again. 
It will work just fine if we have a warm, dry day.

Linking this post to Claudia at Mockingbird Hill Cottage 
for A Favorite Thing Saturday. 
Stop by there to share some great posts.

Do you dress up at Easter? What will you wear this 
year......and are you expecting warm weather?


  1. I love these vintage items and the photograpy is superb ! Lovely.....

  2. What pretty hats. It will be too cold this year for me to be wearing an Easter bonnet..unless it's a woolen one that covers my ears.

  3. Growing up, Easter was always a time for new clothes and pretty shoes. It will be a working day around here so I'll be wearing my work clothes. :) That dress looks comfy. Have a wonderful day. Tammy

  4. You will look lovely on Easter wearing a hat and that beautiful dress. I love straw hats, too, and have a few. But you know what? I've got out of the habit of wearing them. I'll have to reinstate them in my wardrobe.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week, my friend.


  5. ❤Your Easter outfit is adorable! spring is always such a time of renewal and joy..have a wonderful weekend!

  6. How lovely! Your outfit is going to be both Easter Parade-traditional and completely modern. Fantastic straw hats!

  7. You have a very talented friend! The hats and dress are lovely. I have a hard time finding a hat small enough for my head. With my thin hair, I don't have much to support a hat.

  8. Your hats are lovely, Mary. As are the boxes. I rarely wear hats, as I think most do not suit me. I have a wide-brimmed straw hat for summer that I love and feel good in, but that's about it. I won't be wearing a hat for Easter, but I do like to dress up a little.

    I hope the weather cooperates so you can wear your outfit!

  9. I love your hats and the dress. I hope it is a lovely day so you can wear them both (one hat at a time!). It will no doubt be cool with rain or even snow here. I'll wear something spring coloured and hopefully shoes and not boots! But, no doubt a coat will be in order. Hugs, Pamela

  10. I need to take style lessons from you!

  11. What a great look for Easter - timeless.

  12. Your dress is so charming! How fun to have a friend who makes such lovely things!

    Happy Easter to you!

  13. The hats are so pretty! Love that dress also. Hope the sun is shining!

  14. Love those hat boxes!

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  15. I'd wear that dress in a minute! But here in Ontario, I do not expect warm weather at all... at least for Easter. I live on a farm and seldom wear fancy finery. I probably should. Like a good haircut, dressing up is a morale booster!

  16. Ooh, I love your painted linen dress! I'm wondering if it will be warm enough to wear a dress on Sunday. We still have snow on the ground.

  17. A lovely outfit, Mary! I share your love of straw hats and comfortable timeless dresses. I like clothes that are a little Out of Africa, a little Merchant Ivory, and a little Urban Outfitters thrown in for good measure. Happy Easter!

  18. Now an Easter bonnet is just so perfect. I hadn't given it a thought, but I guess I should.
    I have a hat very similar to the hat on top of the hat box. It is tucked away and maybe should come out.


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