Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Easter elephants?

I hadn't been shopping or even looking at the local Homegoods store for months and months and months! So many other things got in the way, especially travel to destinations requiring items such as waterproof clothes and rubber boots......not pretties for the home.

So on my way back from somewhere or other one day last week, my car somehow turned right instead of going straight and I found myself parking, and then walking, towards the Homegoods entrance doors.

If you've stopped by recently, or perhaps you make it a weekly excursion in case you miss out on something gorgeous at a phenomenal discount, you know what I'm talking about. 
The automatic doors swing open. Immediately your treasure hunting eye beholds the china and glass displays......and that's where I come to a full stop. They always have amazing things for a special little nook or cranny in your home, and at a price you really can't pass up.
I don't require more Easter decor for the cottage. I've cut back to my favorite large white rabbits and a few other things............but I'm a sucker for bowls and elephants!
I saw these two on a lower shelf all alone and the colors so perfect for Springtime. At around $4 each they hopped lumbered (as elephants do) into my basket and came home to meet the rabbits. 

As sweet as they are they're also practical - microwave/dishwasher safe. 
When granddaughter stayed 
over for the weekend we loved having our 
oatmeal with berries and cream in these bowls.......
we can't put those white rabbits to such good use. 


  1. Those are fabulous! Love the colors and the expression in the elephants eye is so whimsical!

  2. Oh, Mary, these are adorable. I stopped in a HG last week, but nothing followed me out the door. Oh, no! '-) That's a rare occasion for sure. Happy Easter, dear friend.

  3. Those bunnies! They just wanted to come home with you. So cute. The elephant bowls are great!

  4. I love your white rabbits and the elephant bowls are very pretty. Nice pastels. I went to our version of Homegoods called Winners which has clothing and house goods too, last Friday and again today. Today I found a pretty white creamer. Last week it was a rabbit and a set of 4 plates. This store is a favourite one for me to shop at. The prices are always so good! Hugs, Pamela

  5. Mary, I adore the bowls. The happy and cheerful. I was thinking strawberry ice cream...when it is a bit warmer. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Bonnie

  6. Isn't it interesting how our cars seem to gravitate to HomeGoods? It must be a blogger thing. Ha!
    Your new bowls are charming and so perfect for you. Love the colors.

  7. I love the colours and can see how you'd have had a hard time resisting the bowls. Sometimes it just takes one little thing to brighten an entire room.
    Happy Easter!

  8. Can't get enough of those bowls! Too cute.
    Love you, Grandma!xx

  9. When I saw these bowls in your photo, I said to myself: These are just perfect for Mary, the world traveler. Just lovely! Now where is a Home Goods store? I know there is one somewhere in my area, but haven't found it yet.

  10. Those Easter elephants create havoc with my lawn as they go round hiding their eggs Mary!

    Happy Easter.

    Paul :)

  11. Funny how our cars sometimes have a mind of their own like that! And look what treasures you found. They are truly beautiful, I do love those colors. Looks like they and the rabbits have formed a strong friendship.

  12. Hi Mary,
    Seems like most of us have the same problem with our cars heading toward the Homegoods lot before we realize what happened!!! LOL - I love your "Easter Elephants" - they are perfect for a world traveler and look right at home with the Rabbits.
    Hope your are having a lovely Spring in North Carolina.
    Wishing you and your family a Joyful and Happy Easter.


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